My wife and kids carry cheap OTF knives because they can. Also, it's cool to pop one open. They aren't doing anything life or death - sometimes "because it's fun" is all the reason you need.
Streets were blocked by Boston PD. Some nut detonates a homemade backpack bomb loaded with ball bearings, 10 penney nails or wrapped in prenotched wire, game over regardless. My .38 would be about as useful as a milk bucket under a bull. Better off packing a large first aid kit to help deal with the wounded. Look what happened at the Boston Marathon finish line. Plenty of cops. Some of them got hurt as well.
A terrorist bomber is at the far end of what if’s. I’d still be more concerned with the amount of people in the crowds, which draws a**h***s from far and wide. Pickpockets, gropers, armed robbers, junkies high on Spice or bath salts that freak out and pull a knife, an active shooter who’s planned this day due to the event numbers expected and is now only 6’ away when he starts opening up on the crowd.
What about leaving the event later? Junkies, a**h***s, thugs, your average everyday armed robbers, they’re all still there just waiting for an unarmed victim to walk by.
Obviously we’ll all do what we’re comfortable with but making up some false sense of security along the way is just setting yourself up for failure. Your faith in LE’s ability to rush in and save you and your family is admirable, albeit very naive and outdated. Nobody is coming to save you. Everything is your responsibility.