Hi guys, I apologize if this has been answered in detail. I've searcher here and I have seen this question about AR's but my situation is different. I have a Brugger & Thomet TP9 that came into the US as a pistol. Then Zero Hour "made" it an SBR and added the folding stock. I bought it from them on a Form 4. I am selling it in the classifieds as an SBR.
I have an interested party that would like me to remove the stock and sell them the "pistol". What I have read is that if it was a pistol, removing the stock makes it a pistol again. There is no requirement to notify the NFA to "deregister" it, though I'd likely do that to CMA with the NFA folks. I'd then ship the stock to his dealer as a separate transaction and the dealer can deal with resubmitting paperwork to make it an SBR if that is what the guy wants to do.
Am I reading that right? My understanding is that Pistol to SBR to Pistol is ok, but Rifle to Pistol is the big no no. Once a rifle, always a rifle or SBR, a rifle can't be a pistol under any circumstances.
Any thoughts on this from this group?
I ask again because the prevailing questions I can find related to this are based on AR15 questions, which is an entirely different animal because it is so easy to put a 16 inch barrel on those. This will essentially always be a 4 to 5 inch barreled pistol with a grip mounted magazine.
Thanks folks
I have an interested party that would like me to remove the stock and sell them the "pistol". What I have read is that if it was a pistol, removing the stock makes it a pistol again. There is no requirement to notify the NFA to "deregister" it, though I'd likely do that to CMA with the NFA folks. I'd then ship the stock to his dealer as a separate transaction and the dealer can deal with resubmitting paperwork to make it an SBR if that is what the guy wants to do.
Am I reading that right? My understanding is that Pistol to SBR to Pistol is ok, but Rifle to Pistol is the big no no. Once a rifle, always a rifle or SBR, a rifle can't be a pistol under any circumstances.
Any thoughts on this from this group?
I ask again because the prevailing questions I can find related to this are based on AR15 questions, which is an entirely different animal because it is so easy to put a 16 inch barrel on those. This will essentially always be a 4 to 5 inch barreled pistol with a grip mounted magazine.
Thanks folks