Plate carriers and battle belts


NES Member
Jan 8, 2014
SE New Hampshire
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Hey there, Civilian here.

im looking at options for maximizing a functional bug-out/shtf rig and I was thinking about pairing a belt with a plate carrier.
I figured you folks would have the most practical input at to a good mix.
Id like to go with six AR mags, about three pistol mags, place to mount a pistol holster, and I'm open to any other ideas for extra pouches and the like.
Is there already a good system or will I need to piece one together?
Look forward to the ideas.

Also, I will have a seperate bag for food and major medical supplies.
Id recommend a LBT6094 for a plate carrier. If you can fit an HSGI padded belt under the carrier id go with that as well.
Are you referencing dollar value or weight?
To me the investment is worth both.
Weight. I'd rather move quick, if need be. The 600 additional rounds don't belong on your rig. 4 mags on your battle belt, T-ring adapters, and a pair of suspenders for weight distribution, 1 spare mag for your sidearm, primary knife and a multi tool in pouches. I'd mount my IFAK on the front strap of the suspenders so I could reach it with either hand.
I'm not a fan of the plate carrier concept. YMMV.
If your emergency means getting away fast, a plate carrier is probably unnecessary.
Some people have to move TOWARDS the sound of gunfire.

(not YOU, the generic you)

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If someone is shooting at me I'd want a PC. Yes its heavy and can be bulky. Pay the coin for lighter plates and don't put a bunch of crap on it. I have three mags on my PC nothing else. Try going prone with double stack mag pouches ... Everything else is on my war belt
If your emergency means getting away fast, a plate carrier is probably unnecessary.
Some people have to move TOWARDS the sound of gunfire.

(not YOU, the generic you)

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Lots of "goodness" in this post. If it is SHTF and I'm on my own with me and mine.......plate carriers are the least of my worries.......yes I'd be armed but that weight that plate carriers use would be better suited for food and supplies. Again.....if I'm on my own I'm going away from the sound of the guns with me and mine not toward it and I'm avoiding contact at all costs. My fire arms are with me for last resort.
Lots of "goodness" in this post. If it is SHTF and I'm on my own with me and mine.......plate carriers are the least of my worries.......yes I'd be armed but that weight that plate carriers use would be better suited for food and supplies. Again.....if I'm on my own I'm going away from the sound of the guns with me and mine not toward it and I'm avoiding contact at all costs. My fire arms are with me for last resort.

working out regularly with said plate carrier can alleviate the whole weight problem. I workout regularly with my plate carrier and aid bag, i have the 2 regular plates and the 2 side plates from AR500 in my 6094.
Weight. I'd rather move quick, if need be. The 600 additional rounds don't belong on your rig. 4 mags on your battle belt, T-ring adapters, and a pair of suspenders for weight distribution, 1 spare mag for your sidearm, primary knife and a multi tool in pouches. I'd mount my IFAK on the front strap of the suspenders so I could reach it with either hand.
I'm not a fan of the plate carrier concept. YMMV.

pics? is this a setup you run?
What I believe he is talking is about is the concept of first and second line gear. This can turn into a long winded reply so just googlefu.
When it comes to gear, I stick with what I've learned a loooong time ago: live of what's in your ruck, fight with what's in you rig, survive with what's in your pockets. Worked for me.
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