Plexiglass panels for solar module ?


NES Life Member
NES Member
Dec 2, 2005
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We're building a small (180 watt) solar module out of silicon cells we got from eBay. We want to weatherproof it with a big sheet of Lexan or other tough clear plastic which will have some resistance to UV damage.

Does anyone know where the best place to get this stuff would be, or happen to have some unused large transparent plastic panels lying around that we could buy on the cheap? (I'm thinking ,old skylights, sliding doors, industrial surplus...)

Plexi and Lexan turn white and opaque in short order exposed to full sunlight, even with anti UV additives. Use glass, it will remain clear and won't craze from UV light and probably cost less than plexi/lexan for the same size pane.
Lexan will absorb the UV, and you want that UV to get the power out of your solar cells (more photons the better). 180W isn't much and you don't want to throw it away.

I would recommend glass, and glass with an AR coating would be best (but you won't find it likely). Just use a single layer as each layer will reflect more light.

Check craigslist for old windows. How big is this thing?

You can get lexan at some hardware stores, but again I'd go to a glass place if I were you (and they will likely have lexan too if that's the way you want to go, and they can cut it to size with the right tools without chipping/breaking.

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It's made of about 100 5x7 inch panels, so it's going to be about 4 x 6 feet of area, but we'll probably make it into two 4 x 4 foot panels.
Can anybody direct me to a website or book that shows specifically how to do what this thread calls for? I'd like to possibly build solar panels to power some basic household stuff if/when the SHTF.
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