Practical Implications of H4885 for Purchasing and Possessing

So if between now and 10/23 there is a stay issued by the court or the SC makes a determination on one of the other cases in the pipeline that takes down this new law, what happens on 10/23. The existing laws of today go away and if something happens in our favor the new law is unenforceable. Does that basically mean that MA becomes the Wild West in regards to gun laws? Start hauling in as much and anything you want? Lot of overlap here.

It depends on what the stay is on.

It's most likely going to stay H.4885, which means we'll be back where we started before it was signed. Not the wild west, but more like "limbo".
But possession of an "untraceable" firearm will be banned once those deadlines become active
And until 10/23, you are still required to report transactions you could be charged with violation of 140 sec 128
So anything you were required to report on an fa-10 is an issue after 8/8 (7 days to report)
Correct to say that just serializing a 0-80% and doing no machine work would still be non-reportable? So that single action would comply by 10/23 and not trigger failing to report a build.

I wonder if a scenario exists in the future where an 80% can be manufactured to be fixed mag and be allowable if it’s serialized.
Everybody talking about "unpinning after 10/23 and adding all the evil features back to your 8/1 legally owned rifles" but I haven't seen this question asked anywhere: If H.4885 gets stayed, and everything remains the status quo... then you would surely need to keep your massified compliance items, no?

Also, staying H.4885 pushes it down the road, but doesn't change the language in the bill (specifying the 8/1 grandfathering date). If they bill were to be passed in 2026 for example, wouldn't it still have that date in it?
Everybody talking about "unpinning after 10/23 and adding all the evil features back to your 8/1 legally owned rifles" but I haven't seen this question asked anywhere: If H.4885 gets stayed, and everything remains the status quo... then you would surely need to keep your massified compliance items, no?

You're correct. Until H.4885 goes into effect all the current laws are in effect.

Also, staying H.4885 pushes it down the road, but doesn't change the language in the bill (specifying the 8/1 grandfathering date). If they bill were to be passed in 2026 for example, wouldn't it still have that date in it?

If I were the legislature, that's what I'd do, so that's what I'd plan for.
If I were the legislature, that's what I'd do, so that's what I'd plan for.

So because there's some serious uncertainty about whether that grandfathering date will stick down the line or not, FFLs really can't be selling that which would be considered ASF, regardless of whether the bill gets stayed.
So because there's some serious uncertainty about whether that grandfathering date will stick down the line or not, FFLs really can't be selling that which would be considered ASF, regardless of whether the bill gets stayed.

No, FFLs can sell whatever they want until the bill becomes law. BUT, if you as a purchaser have one of those post 8/1 evil dirty rifles, there's no way to "clean" it. You have to get it out of state or you could be charged with a violation of 131M(a), which is a felony.
No, FFLs can sell whatever they want until the bill becomes law. BUT, if you as a purchaser have one of those post 8/1 evil dirty rifles, there's no way to "clean" it. You have to get it out of state or you could be charged with a violation of 131M(a), which is a felony.
"Assuming its even provable of couse:" which big kids will have to determine for themselves.
So anything you were required to report on an fa-10 is an issue after 8/8 (7 days to report)
When the system is live according to 140 sec 121B/C, before manufacturing, the builder makes the request via the EFRS, and receives the unique serial number.

The problem I see with this regarding 80% ar or ak lowers or any other “unfinished” frame/receiver is that they are all defined as “firearms”. They are not ASFs…..if built to be manual bolt, pump, or slide action.

If firearms then they need to be on the roster for sale from FFLs after 10/23 but will they be for sale to personal addresses? This is the big question and I expect most online retailers to halt sales to Ma residents.

Unless we have Chinese type surveillance there is no way to know when you bought it or manufactured it.
When the system is live according to 140 sec 121B/C, before manufacturing, the builder makes the request via the EFRS, and receives the unique serial number.

The problem I see with this regarding 80% ar or ak lowers or any other “unfinished” frame/receiver is that they are all defined as “firearms”. They are not ASFs…..if built to be manual bolt, pump, or slide action.

This is not true, because they'd fail the "copies and duplicates" test. The whole interchangeability of parts thing.
Putting a bolt action upper on a normal AR lower will still be an "assault-style firearm" because of the lower.

If firearms then they need to be on the roster for sale from FFLs after 10/23 but will they be for sale to personal addresses?

Roster only matters to dealers licensed by the state. It does not apply to non-dealers.

This is the big question and I expect most online retailers to halt sales to Ma residents.
.. of things not on the EOPSS roster, yes.

When the system is live according to 140 sec 121B/C, before manufacturing, the builder makes the request via the EFRS, and receives the unique serial number.

The problem I see with this regarding 80% ar or ak lowers or any other “unfinished” frame/receiver is that they are all defined as “firearms”. They are not ASFs…..if built to be manual bolt, pump, or slide action.

If firearms then they need to be on the roster for sale from FFLs after 10/23 but will they be for sale to personal addresses? This is the big question and I expect most online retailers to halt sales to Ma residents.

Unless we have Chinese type surveillance there is no way to know when you bought it or manufactured it.
Any 80% AR or AK is an ASF based on the copies and duplicates language.
Doesn't matter if you make it.fixed mag or a straight pull bolt.
The lower is a firearm in its own right under this law and as such it is an ASF.
@pastera et al I created a lawfare megathread in MA gun laws, speculation on Fed court cases etc belongs there, not here. I'm trying to avoid this becomining contaminated with
speculation that just clouds what is currently happening on the ground now. I had to stop myself from making a bump here because I realized it wasnt appropriate for tthis

ETA: also any 7/20 guida glue sniffing belongs here, although that might take a thread of its own, considering theres likely a couple box stores that will fully buy into that garbage, but that doesn't belong here either. If theres compelling issues (say like deli ticket emporium posts a policy boilerplate based on guida glue fumes) that should get its own thread separate
from here. [laugh]

This is not true, because they'd fail the "copies and duplicates" test. The whole interchangeability of parts thing.
Putting a bolt action upper on a normal AR lower will still be an "assault-style firearm" because of the lower.

Roster only matters to dealers licensed by the state. It does not apply to non-dealers.

.. of things not on the EOPSS roster, yes.

Any 80% AR or AK is an ASF based on the copies and duplicates language.
Doesn't matter if you make it.fixed mag or a straight pull bolt.
The lower is a firearm in its own right under this law and as such it is an ASF.

Ok. I agree that they definitely are interchangeable and compatible hence, an ASF.
Roster only matters to dealers licensed by the state. It does not apply to non-dealers.

.. of things not on the EOPSS roster, yes.
This is very common knowledge.

The big question is if online retailers halt sales of unfinished frames. None can say with certainty yet.
Which is why I called out AR and AK 80% receivers - a Remington 700 receiver is going to be fine as would anything on the appendix A list.
Appendix A list is hard to find. It’s actually a form for FFlLa to fill out for multiple sales.
Appendix A list is hard to find. It’s actually a form for FFlLa to fill out for multiple sales.
176 (g) “Assault-style firearm” shall not include any: ...
(iv) any of the firearms, or replicas or duplicates of such firearms, specified in appendix A to 18 U.S.C. section 922 as appearing in such appendix on September 13, 1994, as such firearms were manufactured on October 1, 1993;
Different animal
I'm familiar with the multiple purchase form.


Imagine trying to track every single round of ammo sold and used at an indoor range during a typical business weekend lol. What, 4473’s for every box sold? 🤣 No way that law can be enforced lol. Imagine a highly competitive shooter in USPSA or IDPA who goes through hundreds ( or thousands ) of rounds per month.

Sounds like people need to become familiar with Alinsky.

Short answer is: if you really want to phuck with the system file a 4473 for each and every round expended and crash the system.

There's a lot of software engineers here on NES , I'm sure somebody could figure out a way to do this thru automation.
Sounds like people need to become familiar with Alinsky.

Short answer is: if you really want to phuck with the system file a 4473 for each and every round expended and crash the system.

There's a lot of software engineers here on NES , I'm sure somebody could figure out a way to do this thru automation.

4473 is federal and is required for firearms as defined by the feds, nothing more.

The ammo tracking nonsense is state. The recording requirement won’t involve a 4473.
Thanks. The FAL was a bad example. I thought there was a list somewhere, once upon a time, that named the HK SP89 (for example). Looking around now on Google I think that must have been the import ban that Clinton signed.
Something like 58 foreign guns were added in April 1998. I can’t find the list either.
First off, I promise I read through all the other threads and waded through rivers of shit posts before asking here…

Can any one tell me if there is any clear guidance on selling a pre ‘94 colt sporter rifle locally at the moment in a post 8/1 world?

I bought it years ago in the state. I have the FA10 from that time. I was hoping to consign it at a shop so they can do the work and I can pick something else up on my wishlist. I don’t know if shops are taking pre bans into inventory anymore TBH. No one answers the phone anymore! Couple that with someone posting some trash about needing to run a background check for private sales and I’m a sad panda.

Would an emergency preamble muck this up any further? Tony from the YouTube says pre’94 is g2g. But how Tony, how?

I’m hoping to keep things above board and pass this along in-state in the next few months. Won’t come with any preban mags sadly…

Last but not least, “I KNOW WHAT I HAVE!” lol God bless
First off, I promise I read through all the other threads and waded through rivers of shit posts before asking here…

Can any one tell me if there is any clear guidance on selling a pre ‘94 colt sporter rifle locally at the moment in a post 8/1 world?

I bought it years ago in the state. I have the FA10 from that time. I was hoping to consign it at a shop so they can do the work and I can pick something else up on my wishlist. I don’t know if shops are taking pre bans into inventory anymore TBH. No one answers the phone anymore! Couple that with someone posting some trash about needing to run a background check for private sales and I’m a sad panda.

Would an emergency preamble muck this up any further? Tony from the YouTube says pre’94 is g2g. But how Tony, how?

I’m hoping to keep things above board and pass this along in-state in the next few months. Won’t come with any preban mags sadly…

Last but not least, “I KNOW WHAT I HAVE!” lol God bless
You can sell it no problem
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