First off, I promise I read through all the other threads and waded through rivers of shit posts before asking here…
Can any one tell me if there is any clear guidance on selling a pre ‘94 colt sporter rifle locally at the moment in a post 8/1 world?
I bought it years ago in the state. I have the FA10 from that time. I was hoping to consign it at a shop so they can do the work and I can pick something else up on my wishlist. I don’t know if shops are taking pre bans into inventory anymore TBH. No one answers the phone anymore! Couple that with someone posting some trash about needing to run a background check for private sales and I’m a sad panda.
Would an emergency preamble muck this up any further? Tony from the YouTube says pre’94 is g2g. But how Tony, how?
I’m hoping to keep things above board and pass this along in-state in the next few months. Won’t come with any preban mags sadly…
Last but not least, “I KNOW WHAT I HAVE!” lol God bless
(b) Subsection (a) shall not apply to an assault-style firearm lawfully possessed within the commonwealth on August 1, 2024,
You will be able to sell it. yes.