Pre 2016 lowers

Aug 12, 2015
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Hypothetically ….AR Lowers that were purchased pre 2016… legally possessed but never built out or FA-10’d… Best bet to toss an upper on them and FA-10 now? Or wait and see what happens? I know the bill is very unclear just looking to get opinions.
Pre 2016 lowers are great. If you built them up immediately, the statute of limitations (assuming home assembly even required an FA-10, which has been debated here) has passed on not filling the FA-10. I would just keep them and do whatever you want with them. Registering guns is not in my vocabulary, so your risk tolerance may vary.
Pre 2016 lowers are great. If you built them up immediately, the statute of limitations (assuming home assembly even required an FA-10, which has been debated here) has passed on not filling the FA-10. I would just keep them and do whatever you want with them. Registering guns is not in my vocabulary, so your risk tolerance may vary.
Also, new law says LAWFULLY owned on 8/1. If SoL passed by 8/1, no FA-10 is lawful, yes? Works as a better argument than if they said by or prior to. Splitting hairs and if you’re splitting these hairs, you’re likely already in deep shit.
No problem. I do think once the roster crap is figured out (both the approved and AW roster) there’s a possibility fixed mag lowers like DSI will be allowed.
being ever hopeful ( [rofl] ) I was thinking of ordering more lowers now and getting the FFL to transfer after the panic is over. 😭
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