Prepper retreats


NES Member
Oct 28, 2014
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Has anyone heard anything about any of these prepper retreats?
From what I understand, people purchase land together so they each have their own little homestead, but if SHTF, they all agree to work together as a community.
In theory it sounds great, just wondering if anyone heard of any in MA?
Yeah, in theory it would be a great plan.
I believe it's success would depend heavily on how people were vetted into the group.
Most of them fall apart rather quickly when it gets past the planning for jade helm stage. I would not invest my money into a joint venture with anyone like that. Having like minded neighbors is one thing, which is awesome, but co-owning something like that with a bunch of people you don't really know is pretty risky.
Well, if a group of preppers start one in MA, they are already off to a bad start. Wrong state!!

These things are fun to think about but are more likely to go bad than to work out well.

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Most of them fall apart rather quickly when it gets past the planning for jade helm stage. I would not invest my money into a joint venture with anyone like that. Having like minded neighbors is one thing, which is awesome, but co-owning something like that with a bunch of people you don't really know is pretty risky.

It sounds to me like you're not co-owning anything, just buying land or houses clustered together? I feel like our current neighbors are cool, but I have no idea if any of them are prepared to any extent, are they firearms owners etc. Other than the one old retired cop who confronted a stranger on his property with a shotgun. [laugh]
perfect. A bunch of over-ammo'd, tinfoiled up nutbags all living together, what could possibly go wrong?
I think this idea was started over in the group buy section a few years back, it never went anywhere because everyone wants exactly what they want and it's different for each person

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The reality of something like this is that staying put in the long run will make you a sitting duck. Drones and shit.
I think this idea was started over in the group buy section a few years back, it never went anywhere because everyone wants exactly what they want and it's different for each person

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ETA: I attended a Face-to-face meeting that one of the members put together.
I'm not going to mention names. They had a well put together plan, but the price structure to me was off-balance. Very much like a condo or time-share; neither of which I was interested in. Also there were restrictions on who you could bring to your (shared) property.... for OPSEC. [rolleyes]

All thing being equal, what i want is what i want... not another 1-acre parcel (or less), but rather several acres that is mine. I choose who comes with me.

You want to go in on something with someone - find someone you trust and who is financially stable, who shares your ideals.

That's my $.02
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You want to go in on something with someone - find someone you trust and who is financially stable, who shares your ideals.

That's my $.02

This is about as available as unicorn sparkles, at least in MA.

Don't call it a prepper retreat. It's a hunting/fishing/snowmobile/etc. cabin. My kids call it 'the new hampshire house'. Invite family, then decide if you invite friends. If they joke about coming up there if things go south, tell them you have no idea who would be the sentry, and it's a bad idea.

Our camp in NH will be populated by family if something happens. Not over-ammo'd, but we'd put up more than token resistance. It's amazing how quickly airsoft hiding places you dug out with your tractor's backhoe bucket 'for the kids' can be converted to cover with the real thing.
This is about as available as unicorn sparkles, at least in MA.

Oh yeah, I forgot to add... make sure she's easy on the eyes too [wink]

Kidding aside - a buddy of mine has talked to me about splitting a NH place. He's married. He & his wife enjoy the whole nature thing plus he has a small boat. Downside is he's not too into guns. He's come shooting with me a couple times. But No way would he get his LTC. [thinking]

Upside is that my fiance has mentioned a couple times about getting a "camp" for a summer retreat. I think we may have different ideas about what a camp are.
Sounds like one (or all) of those guys couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Feds had their phones tapped:

"I got a f—— .45 beside my bed. I got a .45 and a 9-mil in my truck. I’ve got a 9-mil and a .380, or a .380 in her car. Safe full of weapons. You know what? Every time I open up this damn safe, I mean I’ve got, I’ve got at least 30 weapons that I can see and some tucked all the way in the back back.”

How federal agents foiled a murderous Jade Helm 15 retaliation plot
Are you saying there are no trustworthy, financially stable people with an interest in prepping in Mass?

I'm saying that the financially stable are vested in the system remaining status quo, and any upset to that is something they cannot or will not process.

I don't get how someone will spend thousands on health insurance, life insurance, car insurance and homeowner's insurance every year without flinching, but will balk at insuring that they can feed their family for a societal disruption....even a brief one. That's the what-if scenario they can't talk about, even if they can talk about cancer, their house burning down, and premature death.

Trustworthy? I don't even trust how >75% of people in MA effing VOTE. And >50% in NH, based on the last few elections.
Add in .gov hacks, their statist 'for the children' lackeys, and the FSA, and the number probably approaches >90%.

Now of that remaining 5-10%, how many 'get it'? Of those that can 'get it', how many have wives who would rather vacation on a cruise ship than use that money for the the taxes and insurance on a dirty camp with only a well for water?

How many of the rest are into guns?

How many of the rest...(often typing out this exact thing here) would 'shoot my neighbors and take their stuff'.

So yeah, outside of a handful....unicorn sprinkles.
Google "commune". Hippies had the same general idea, minus the guns, ammo and hardened defenses. They failed miserably. The few communes that have survived since the 60's have changed leadership and approaches so many times it isn't even funny. Many of them bordered on religious cults, where you had one central leader who's main mission was to screw all the hairy chick's that showed up.
I was watching s Netflix series not too long ago, possibly Americas book of secrets not sure but in the series there was a piece about serious preppers out in the Midwest where people bought in to a really sophisticated underground complex for a serious SHTF scenario and it was basically said that the Gov will rape the place for whatever resources it has as soon as a big event is underway.
I could absolutely see that. You better bet that during any kind of major event martial law will be declared, followed by nationalizing of resources like food, sanitation supplies, etc. You better fly way under the radar in all that you do.
I was watching s Netflix series not too long ago, possibly Americas book of secrets not sure but in the series there was a piece about serious preppers out in the Midwest where people bought in to a really sophisticated underground complex for a serious SHTF scenario and it was basically said that the Gov will rape the place for whatever resources it has as soon as a big event is underway.

You mean you shouldn't let a tv crew into your secret underground bunker and show them all of their supplies? Next you are going to tell me that having a giant camouflage truck with fuel tanks and water tanks strapped to it sitting in your suburban driveway might not help you stay hidden....

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