Prepper retreats

You mean you shouldn't let a tv crew into your secret underground bunker and show them all of their supplies? Next you are going to tell me that having a giant camouflage truck with fuel tanks and water tanks strapped to it sitting in your suburban driveway might not help you stay hidden....

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So....a deuce and a half in your driveway doesn't blend? Shit....
I have to admit, this (Prepper Retreat) sounds like a great new idea for a resort and spa. I bet it would make bank for the first few years it was open.


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Don't buy a plot of land next to some other nimrod from the city (like me). Buy a plot next to a small farm or two. Chances are they will be much nicer people and actually know how to survive off the land. What people in the burbs call prepping, they call living.
I'm saying that the financially stable are vested in the system remaining status quo, and any upset to that is something they cannot or will not process.

I don't get how someone will spend thousands on health insurance, life insurance, car insurance and homeowner's insurance every year without flinching, but will balk at insuring that they can feed their family for a societal disruption....even a brief one. That's the what-if scenario they can't talk about, even if they can talk about cancer, their house burning down, and premature death.

Well, I'm financially stable, and only recently started some basic prepping cause I've been seeing where the country is heading. My wife still thinks it's ridiculous that I buy water containers, freeze-dried food, water filters - she just doesn't believe we'll ever need that stuff (luckily she doesn't mind me buying it, she just thinks it's kind of a silly dude fantasy). I think most Americans just don't think the SHTF is anything more than a fantasy for guys who like guns. I used to think that too.

Outside this forum, in real life, I still feel like the crazy person, buying water jugs and ammo, when everyone around me is buying $200 headphones, BMWs and luxury vacations, while not paying off their credit cards.
Has anyone heard anything about any of these prepper retreats?
From what I understand, people purchase land together so they each have their own little homestead, but if SHTF, they all agree to work together as a community.
In theory it sounds great, just wondering if anyone heard of any in MA?

If you're interested in a shared retreat PM me. It will cost $50,000 cash and a very small monthly commitment. I'll be happy to share details.
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