Professional law enforcement in action

Thank God we can afford to pay for 7 "agents" to protect us from a 20 year old buying beer.

Tax dollars well spent. They need an armored personnel carrier though, they almost didn't get home safe that night.
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I like how drawing a firearm is a perfectly reasonable response to an underage kid possibly purchasing beer.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again:

Those girls are scum. I'm glad that sting got them off the streets even if just for one night. I was wondering why I had slept so well. [rolleyes]

I like how drawing a firearm is a perfectly reasonable response to an underage kid possibly purchasing beer.

And jumping on the hood of her car. They had to draw down on her in case she screamed or blew a rape whistle.

With: A) the element of surprise, B) outnumbering by more than 2:1, C) training and D) unlimited backup you'd think they'd handle even the biggest beer-buying scofflaw a little better. Nevermind that they were dealing with three 20 year old girls.

And what made them think the girls were underage? They didn't know what they bought so they clearly hadn't been asked to provide ID.
More proof Law Enforcement should be the only ones to carry firearms. A regular person my use it inapproriately. Like to draw down on college girls for buying beer..err water.

I do love that they outnumbered the girls 2:1 and the girls were able to get away.

And, normally I wouldn't say this, but I'm glad none of the girls were armed, that could have ended badly, and it never should have even begun.......
Chapman stood by the agents' decision to file charges, citing faith in a process that yielded an appropriate resolution.

"You don't know all the facts until you complete the investigation," he said.

Good thing there was an internal investigation
things here are getting more ****ed-up by the day

where is wide-spread national cover in media of police misconduct. who is there to question legality of their action? oh, wait let's have SD puff their chest and threaten Russia with consequences. That was once almost ended with nothing.
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Drop the water [mg]Drop the cookie dough [mg]Drop your car keys [mg][mg][mg]

Oh course there will be an internal investigation. You can't get the lies straight in the view of the public. Need to get that buttoned down behind the curtain.
This is a classic case of the 'police' escalating the situation during a non-violent event when a 'subject' fails to comply.

At least the ABC agents got home safe.
They're lucky no one was shot or killed. One nervous cop and we would've had someone dead for buying a case of water.
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