Public Safety Issues Partial Guidance on Chapter 135

"“[p]ersons lawfully possessing a firearm identification card or license to carry firearms on August 1, 2024,shall be exempt from this section upon expiration of such card or license and when applying for renewal of such licensure as required under this chapter; provided, however, that persons possessing a firearms identification card or license to carry firearms prior to the implementation of live firearms trainings as required in this section shall also be exempted from such requirement."
WTF does the second half (bolded by me) mean in relation to the first half ??
It’s funny sad how poorly it’s written, but I think the whole thing adds up to say that nobody has to take the “live firearms training” if they had a license before the training is implemented.

Good thing we have MCAS to make sure every graduate has basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills.

Yes a steaming turd for sure. What roster has long guns on it?
5. Can I renew or apply for a new resident alien permit to possess non-large capacity rifles and shotguns?a. No. This is no longer a valid license type.

Didn't the state lose in court over this??? aren't resident aliens allowed a permit??
It’s funny sad how poorly it’s written, but I think the whole thing adds up to say that nobody has to take the “live firearms training” if they had a license before the training is implemented.
And these functionaries are expected to enforce regulations against the people.

5. Can I renew or apply for a new resident alien permit to possess non-large capacity rifles and shotguns?a. No. This is no longer a valid license type.

Didn't the state lose in court over this??? aren't resident aliens allowed a permit??
Maybe they have to go the LTC route? IIRC that "permit to possess non-large capacity rifles and shotguns" is the former FID. Reading more, that's not right. Who knows? Just more of the Commonwealth screwing up everything they touch.
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WTF does the second half (bolded by me) mean in relation to the first half ??

I think they meant (paraphrased)

"If live firearms trainings are not available by the effective date of the bill, people can take the new course but without live fire until live fire is developed"

put another way: "if it takes more than 18 months to develop a live fire curriculum, anyone who gets a licence before live fire is available, doesn't have to re-class"

The "also" says "anyone who actually gets their LTC or FID before the law becomes effective doesn't need to re-class"

The EOPSS people didn't actually read the law, or did, and chose to completely ignore the bolded bit.
5. Can I renew or apply for a new resident alien permit to possess non-large capacity rifles and shotguns?a. No. This is no longer a valid license type.

Didn't the state lose in court over this??? aren't resident aliens allowed a permit??

Your understanding is correct. A resident alien can now get an LTC. It's a poorly written Q&A.
Your understanding is correct. A resident alien can now get an LTC. It's a poorly written Q&A.
This has only been clearly established for legal permanent resident ("Green card" holders) aliens.

I don't think the soon to be former resident alien FID imposed a green card requirement, so some people will bet F'ed over.
5. Can I renew or apply for a new resident alien permit to possess non-large capacity rifles and shotguns?a. No. This is no longer a valid license type.

Didn't the state lose in court over this??? aren't resident aliens allowed a permit??
A resident alien may simply apply for an FID or LTC this just updates to follow case law
WTF does the second half (bolded by me) mean in relation to the first half ??
It means the EOPS is misinterpreting the law

Section 74 said:
1569 Persons lawfully possessing a firearm identification card or license to carry firearms on August 1, 2024, shall be exempt from this section upon expiration of such card or license and when applying for renewal of such licensure as required under this chapter; provided, however, that persons possessing a firearms identification card or license to carry firearms prior to the implementation of live firearms trainings as required in this section shall also be exempt from such requirement.
So a person is exempt from retraining if their license is issued prior to implementation of the live fire trainings

: an act or instance of implementing something : the process of making something active or effective

2454 SECTION 159. Sections 38 and 75 74 shall take effect 18 months after the effective date of this act.
Since Sections 38 and 74 implement the new trainings and they are delayed 18 month then every license issued up to that date is exempt from retraining requirements.

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