pump or semi-auto for home defense

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Personally, love my Benelli Supernova. Great pump gun, reliable (even with a lot of rounds through it) and it takes any round you can get your hands on. Got mine with the 18 inch barrel and tac sights for home use, swap in my slug barrel in a flash and you've got your turkey gun. 870 is another great option, everyone I know that has one loves them and I've got no problem with them. It's all a matter of taste really, get something you're comfortable with and like everyone else has said, practice practice practice practice and for God's sake PRACTICE!
Well they don't make turkey-shot... what the hell else would you shoot them with?!

They do, actually.... http://www.sportsmansguide.com/net/cb/cb.aspx?a=298710


I love the verbiage on this page...

"Supreme® Double-X® Magnum and High Velocity Turkey Loads are packed with all the hard-hitting, bird-bagging ingredients you need to satisfy your taste for smoked turkey."


Got mine with the 18 inch barrel and tac sights for home use, swap in my slug barrel in a flash and you've got your turkey gun.

Huh? I hope you're kidding and/or made an oopsie on your keyboard.

Well they don't make turkey-shot... what the hell else would you shoot them with?!

They do, actually.... http://www.sportsmansguide.com/net/cb/cb.aspx?a=298710


I love the verbiage on this page...

"Supreme® Double-X® Magnum and High Velocity Turkey Loads are packed with all the hard-hitting, bird-bagging ingredients you need to satisfy your taste for smoked turkey."



[rofl] mmm....smoked turkey
To each their own, but I'll throw something at you all.

My HD shotgun is a Browning BPS. The BPS defense holds 8 shells.
John Moses Browning didn't design junk.
I've got four shotguns all are Browning (2 Belgian and 2 from Japan)
They are two BPS and two of "THE BEST SHOTGUN EVER" the venerable A-5.
Yes, the BPS is a bottom feed / bottom eject design. Do I worry about the design not having a side ejection port? NO, because the BPS works well and in a HD situation if your shotgun jams up your just SOL anyway

I don't like the Remington 870 because the new ones all have the gay lock mechanism.
I don't like the Mossberg, they just feel cheap to me.
And I don't like the Benelli Nova / Super Nova because the damn plastic forearm rattles .

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Personally, love my Benelli Supernova. Great pump gun, reliable (even with a lot of rounds through it) and it takes any round you can get your hands on. Got mine with the 18 inch barrel and tac sights for home use, swap in my slug barrel in a flash and you've got your turkey* gun. 870 is another great option, everyone I know that has one loves them and I've got no problem with them. It's all a matter of taste really, get something you're comfortable with and like everyone else has said, practice practice practice practice and for God's sake PRACTICE!

*Deer gun. Woops, guess thats what I get for trying to answer a question on low sleep lol.
I love my remington Police 11-87 for HD


My vote is also for the pump action. Not because of the scarey sounds, but because they work. Besides, mine doesn't make the scarey slide sounds, because there is already one in the chamber. If I'm not mistaken, when they hear the only scarey sound that will come from my Ithica 37 or my 870, whichever I keep beside the bed , it's already too late for them to retreat. I actually prefer the 50 year old Ithica, as it is much smoother, & has "Never" malfunctioned .
I don't like the Remington 870 because the new ones all have the gay lock mechanism.

Wait, what?

I love my remington Police 11-87 for HD

What's the odd 1st round in the sidesaddle? By odd I mean it doesn't match the other five shells.

My vote is also for the pump action. Not because of the scarey sounds, but because they work. Besides, mine doesn't make the scarey slide sounds, because there is already one in the chamber.

Just make sure you don't drop or bump it with a live round in the pipe, it can go off.
Mossberg 500 is perfect. 20" 9 round capacity pump is cha ching all day.

I won't knock the saiga either (just make sure to convert at tromix to up the badass factor). Nothing screams "don't you take another step you son of a b*tch" like a converted s-12.....other than the sound of a pump racking. Either way, buckshot usually ends most of these type conversations before they start.
So instead of the sound of the action making people crap their pants, it will be the sounds of their dangling ring of trigger lock keys, awesome.
Mossberg 500 is perfect. 20" 9 round capacity pump is cha ching all day.

I won't knock the saiga either (just make sure to convert at tromix to up the badass factor). Nothing screams "don't you take another step you son of a b*tch" like a converted s-12.....other than the sound of a pump racking. Either way, buckshot usually ends most of these type conversations before they start.

You don't own any guns do you?
You don't own any guns do you?

??? Cause I prefer my 500 over the 870? Or a saiga over a nova for semi? I think a military contract can make a decision stand as a good one (sure politics are involved, but they aren't going to contract mossberg simply because of politics, the gun has a serious track record...sure there are 870s in combat, but mossy takes the sheer numbers as issued). As for the saiga....its kalashnikov based. No brainer. People can throw the "buy american" all day long, but I haven't had any issues with my wasr's, my milled bulgarian 107, my glocks....but my bushmaster is a piece of shit, and so was my s&w m&p, and anything s&w made that I owned.

As for owning any guns....feel free to take a run through my safe. For a 25 year old, it's nothing to be gawked at. Want a list?

The mossy sounds just like any other pump when racked....they all sound the same....
Nothing screams "don't you take another step you son of a b*tch" like a converted s-12.....other than the sound of a pump racking. Either way, buckshot usually ends most of these type conversations before they start.

I'm pretty sure it's not just me, but I don't look at the sound of "pump racking" as a crime deterrent. I tend to leave the guns I use to defend my life with in condition one. In my mind, it's a lot like sporting your CCW piece without one in the pipe...
Because anyone can take a shit and stick a name on it, but what do you really have? A pile of shit called Mossberg.
A friend of mine used to be a reserve officer in a MetroWest department. They had Mossbergs. He lost all respect for them when one came apart in his hands on the range.
A friend of mine used to be a reserve officer in a MetroWest department. They had Mossbergs. He lost all respect for them when one came apart in his hands on the range.

That's odd I had one break when I was in junior high, 3 miles in to the woods on the opener of deer hunting. Imagine how happy I was. If the sound of the rattle trap of a shotgun didn't scare the deer away on my way in, my broken 12ga wasn't going to do anything to them any ways.
I wish my carry gun would make that chick chick sound when I draw it from the holster like they do in the movies. Then I would be able to scare the crap out of a criminal on the streets just like in my home.
Everyone knows your guns have to make the maximum amount of noise without even firing.... come on... Ahnuld figured that out in the 80s.

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I'm pretty sure it's not just me, but I don't look at the sound of "pump racking" as a crime deterrent. I tend to leave the guns I use to defend my life with in condition one. In my mind, it's a lot like sporting your CCW piece without one in the pipe...

So you really think that if you're in your bedroom and the person knows you're in it, and you clearly make the racking noise known, that he'd be less inclined to run in than just saying "I have a gun". I'd call the person bluff to be honest, especially in this state. Don't think for 2 seconds that most criminals don't buy that you have a gun if you tell them, they need to see it or hear it before they think twice about doing whatever they came to do.

"Get out of here, I called the cops and have a gun!" or "Get the f*** outta here, I have a gun!" Not entirely convincing, and people doing simple b&e's aren't exactly the most savvy and intelligent criminals. I keep an sp-101 and mossy close to the bed. If given the chance, I'm hoping the noise is a slight deterrent cause we don't have a castle statue, but if he's still retarded enough to continue and try to bust in, he can kiss his ass goodbye.

I agree, having a handgun without one in the chamber is pointless. I happen to have a handgun and a shotgun close in the event that they are needed....shotgun rack if I'm given a chance to scare him. The tube is filled with #4 for a lead and the rest 00. I don't think I have a bad theory at all.

It's like saying you'd rather fight the guy in the dark that you haven't seen yet, or be able to throw the light on for a second and determine weather or not he's a linebacker. Fight or flight, and the sound might have the effect of flight. Worst comes to worst.....and he decides to bust in or I don't have a chance to get one in the chamber in the mossy, no problem....unload the .357....problem solved.
Call me crazy, but if you're on your second floor in an open hallway, and someone is coming up the stairs...and you scream you have a gun and rack one into the chamber....that he might think twice before reaching the platform and turn back around?

reverse roles real quick. You're a junkie looking for a jewelry box. Walking up stairs to bedroom, you hear a guy yell I have a gun get out of here. Now you're a junkie, are you going to believe him when all you have to do is run in there with the knife cause the guy clearly hasn't presented a gun. Or....does the guy present one of the most recognizable sounds in the country....
He said he has a gun, but I see nothing and I hear nothing.
He said he has a gun, and I hear "that sound".

Do the math. It's simple
I wish my carry gun would make that chick chick sound when I draw it from the holster like they do in the movies. Then I would be able to scare the crap out of a criminal on the streets just like in my home.

Or in "delta farce" when it makes a click click noise when he's pulls back the charging handle on his m4. hahahaha
That kind of "warning" is also a giveaway. How do you know they're junkies with knives, not a gang with their own guns?

If we had a castle statue, my theory would be drastically different. It would be as follows: hear perp, identify perp, shoot perp....but we live in a hugs and puffy clouds state loaded with pussys that unfortunately require me to rethink a defense plan enough so that I need to hope the sound of the shotgun makes people think twice. And if it's a gang with guns....I'm throwing my arm around the corner and conducting a blind fire 'pray and spray' operation until I hear a few screams and running feet....and if that doesn't work I'll wish I didn't keep my carbines in the closet.
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