Question Regarding Gun Related Deaths in the UK vs. US

If you're going to compare EU nations against one another, then it's only reasonable to treat the USA the same way and compare US states to each other instead of treating the nation like one homogenous unit with no differences in laws and crimes between states. And once you do that, then the anti-gun side needs to explain away Vermont and New Hampshire -- the lowest homicide rate in the nation, and among the "laxest" gun laws. Maybe there's something in the maple syrup?

Why is a gun related homicide worse than any other? Compare total homicide/crime rates. Gun bans create more defenseless citizens.
Discount all the "firearms homicides" in the USA, and our non-gun homicide rate is still much higher than the UKs total homicide rate. So clearly there's some other reason Americans kill one another more often, even when not using firearms, personally I like the lead poisoning theory.

And why only consider homicide rate? UK has the highest violent crimes rate in all of Europe, and even a higher violent crime rate than the US, though differences in how crimes are categorized make it difficult to compare across nations.
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