Reid claims he'll bring anti gun bill to vote Wed April 17th.

Christ, now Chris Murphy is spewing his Sandy Hook propaganda. Rather then trying to state fact, he is trying to get emotion from people. All these clowns should re-read the constitution, and the bill of rights and realize that their liberal views are wrong. Honestly, if the libtards want to be rid of guns, have them move out of the US. Its really a simple concept.
Christ, now Chris Murphy is spewing his Sandy Hook propaganda. Rather then trying to state fact, he is trying to get emotion from people. All these clowns should re-read the constitution, and the bill of rights and realize that their liberal views are wrong. Honestly, if the libtards want to be rid of guns, have them move out of the US. Its really a simple concept.

All they have are emotional pleas at this point..everyone knows these laws won't change a damn thing.
Senator Enzi did a pretty good job speaking. Though I have issue with his statement of:

"Rights granted by the Constitution".

That's just wrong. They are rights recognized by the Constitution.
Oh great, chief full of sh!t, i mean chief warren is up now. Out standing. Quick, someone get her a razor to shave that beard off, maybe she will slip and slice her own throat.

I wonder how long until she tries to show pictures of the sandy hook kids, or mentions them. I know for a fact, that her spirit father would oppose disarming people, after all, that's what happened to the native Americans. We disarmed them, then killed them.
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McCain is such a d-bag.

I'm almost embarrassed to say I voted for him & Sarah Palin. But what choice did I have? Obama???

If they want to do background checks for all sales, perhaps we could/would/should initiate a massive gun yard sale. I sell you a gun, you sell me one. tomorrow we sell them back to each other. Overwhelm the system, break it, and show how useless it is.
I'm almost embarrassed to say I voted for him & Sarah Palin. But what choice did I have? Obama???

If they want to do background checks for all sales, perhaps we could/would/should initiate a massive gun yard sale. I sell you a gun, you sell me one. tomorrow we sell them back to each other. Overwhelm the system, break it, and show how useless it is.

You don't even have to actually sell each other the gun. Just fill out the paperwork stating you did and you will break the system.
Jeez, my head is ready to explode after just 5 minutes of CSPAN. I'm mad as hell, and i'm not going to take it anymore!
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