Reid claims he'll bring anti gun bill to vote Wed April 17th.

i wish someone would stand up and say "we've had enough of your bullshit"


where can i get a 500 bullet mag for my glock?
Former congresswoman Gabby Giffords, who narrowly escaped death in a Tuscon shooting, and her husband Mark Kelly slammed senators for "ignoring the will of the American people."

Cripes Gabby, do you even think that maybe they did vote what their constituents wanted? Just look at the states that the Dems came from who voted against the bill. Someone needs to shut these dewy eyed idealists up.
Feinstein is "chagrined and concerned"
She is saying that they should be courageous and vote against their constituents. Go home Diane.

Grassley is on fire.

From earlier today...

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Wow those comments are absolutely retarded on the BG win. The sheep are so pissed! All I hear is "children!!!!!" and "your time is ticking TeaTrolls/gun nuts"

Well then...
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