Ripton and some Shooting Pics

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Sorry if my point wasn't expressed succinctly the first time around. I'm just saying that before pictures like these are posted on the internet, we should think of how they could be used by people on the other side of the gun rights fence.

We read enough stories in the news about drunk teenagers screwing around with Dad's guns, or kids finding mom's junkie boyfrind's gun and bringing it to daycare.

When was the last time one of those stories resulted in lawmakers calling for the loosening of existing gun control laws?

Yes, the guns were cleared. Yes, the camera was remotely activated. I had assumed that to be the case. But, all that means nothing to the Jarrett Barrioses and Mumbles Meninos in the world who would use pictures like these to portray us all as a bunch of trigger-happy rednecks, in order to get tougher gun laws passed.

That is all.
{strapping on asbestos undergarments}

I think some people are hearing/inferring Bruce's tone and tuning out his message.

He has pointed out (and I will grant it was in his usual abrupt and brusque manner) various breaches in gun handling etiquette. I noticed it as well when Nickle first posted the pics, but didn't say anything at the time.

I don't care who you are or how long you've been shooting. Finger on the trigger is a giant screaming no-no. Finger on the trigger leads to "Glock Leg". Pointing a gun at something you're not willing to destroy is a recipe for tragedy. I don't care how many times you've checked the chamber or how many years you've been shooting. The four rules are the four rules.

There's a website linked on my blog called "Xavier Thoughts". He runs a series called "Idiots with Guns", and has posted a thoughtful rebuttal to many of the responses to Bruce here:

Basically, I agree with Bruce - images can be VERY powerful, and in the hands of our gun-grabbing enemies they can be JUST as dangerous as our guns.

The *last* thing we want or need is for Sarah Brady, Tom Reilly, or Hillary! Bitch Clinton's people stumbling across a treasure trove of people breaking several of the four cardinal rules of gun safety.

Think about how they responded to Cheney's accident. Hell, think about how some of the very same posters flaming Bruce responded to Cheney's accident.

I don't think the reaction is fair or proportional. Bruce is a good guy and he has a valid point. We're supposed to be responsible, rational gun owners. We're supposed to set a good example.

We just had an incident of drunken teens shooting up a neighborhood. The news is awash with pictures of them PLAYING with an AK-47. Speaking only for myself, I was sickened by the use of a firearm as a prop. It shows a fundamental lack of respect for the power of the weapon, and that lack of respect could easily get someone killed.

I believe that all guns were 100% secure. I believe that at NO time was anyone in that group in any sort of danger.

But to someone just stumbling across the series of pictures, who knows what they'll take away from people who appear to be playing with firearms.

Just my $0.02.
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Reread Tony's reply just after mine. No I am not taking Bruces tone any other way than what he said, and I still ask How long has he been around guns?

Quoting Tony...
"However, in these new folk's zeal to make sure these rules are never broken they can miss the fact that certain groups and units adhere to a different set of rules than the individual citizen when it comes to firearms training and responsibilty and they need to realize that some people know more than what they do. In the perfect world they would ask questions and continue their education but often times they think they already know the answers and admonish more experienced folks instead of learning from them.

For those who don't know, special military and law enforcement groups train routinely with their personal firearm which requires, God forbid, pointing that weapon at your team mate. This is how we did it before any of these "safe-guns" came about. Yes, there were accidents, but only because procedures were not followed. When I was a member of my hostage rescue team, this is exactly how we trained and we never had an incident - because we adhered to strict safety rules."

And, yes the person Bruce is flaming has more time in the military than he's probably been alive.
I think this has been discussed enough. I'm locking this thread.

We're all friends here and the last thing we need to be doing is arguing.
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