Ruger Mark IV

I was in a gun shop a few years ago when someone came in with a disassembled MKll in a box, couldn't get it back together.
The salesman says no problem, let me show you. He couldn't get it either, so has a brainstorm and takes apart a brand new gun to refresh his memory.
When I left, they had the customer's gun and TWO brand new guns apart with no clue how to put them back together.
They're no longer in business.
This has happened to me twice, once at HS trading and recently at B&K. Ruger MKXXX in a bag. I put both back together for the customers. I really don't understand why people have so much trouble putting these back together. Granted there are a few step but it is not rocket science. The only tool required sometimes is a plastic hammer or a block of wood.
Don't worry, each time you tear it down and put it back together it gets easier. i can do it in about 2 hours now.... actually, i can do it in 15 if I get it right the first time.
I'd love to see this in the standard model. About time Ruger started listening to's always been a great gun but who wants a gun that's a chore to maintain.....
Stripping the III is easy. You put your left foot in. You bring your left foot out. You put your right foot in and you shake it all about......
the best part about the mark iv is that prices for mark iii should come down even more. while the mark iv has obvious improvements, the only one i personally care about is the mags now dropping free. the improved levers are cool, as is the slingshot ability for slide release. the takedown is also improvement but honestly i think one could run 10k rounds through a mark iii without ever doing a disassembly and be perfectly fine. a boresnake, some patches and ballistol in the action will keep a mark iii running forever.

on my mark iii i had to remove the mag disconnect to get mags to drop free. that was SUPER annoying. sorry i simply refuse to push a mag release button AND pull a magazine out of the magwell. super irritating to me. while i was under the hood i swapped out the super-lame LCI for a tandemkross insert. just looks cleaner and less lawyered-up propaganda written on the side.

one concern i have with the mark iv is that disassembly button looks awfully easy to accidentally engage. engage the safety, then just push the button and the entire upper falls off? is that a good idea? i can't criticize it until i use one, but sure looks like a "negligent field strip" waiting to happen...and that's a new one.
This is my Mark III that I can field strip and re-assemble without removing the red dot. Crazy huh? It has the the LCI replaced by a solid piece of steel and the bushing replaced with a Mark II bushing, the guys on have a ton of great advise. So it is really a Mark II with a Mark III mag release. Works and shoots great.
So I don't need to run out and get a Mark IV, but I wouldn't mind getting one when funds allow, it would be a nice firearm to use in my safety classes 175856_232270256904595_543899654_o.jpg
This is my Mark III that I can field strip and re-assemble without removing the red dot. Crazy huh? It has the the LCI replaced by a solid piece of steel and the bushing replaced with a Mark II bushing, the guys on have a ton of great advise. So it is really a Mark II with a Mark III mag release. Works and shoots great. I do like that the Mark IV frame is one piece of material.
So I don't need to run out and get a Mark IV, but I wouldn't mind getting one when funds allow, it would be a nice firearm to use in my safety classesView attachment 178180
Ruger Customer service says it has been submitted for testing so maybe it will be available sometime soon.
I handled one yesterday and it was awesome. It's a whole new feeling gun. The frame feels smooth and solid and the safety and slide release are real parts not stamped metal. The take down is beautiful. I can't wait to get one.

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Just handled the MKIV Hunter tonight at Hoffmans in Newington, CT (in CT for work). The finish was definitely more refined than my MKIII Hunter. Real nice and of course, super easy to take down. Didn't get a chance to dry fire it.
Can you dry fire it?

As most of you know, dry firing most .22s is a no no. But you can dry fire the 10/22 because Ruger sets the fiiring pin up so at its farthest point of travel it will not contact the breach face of the chamber. I don't know about the Mk 1/2/3/4
Can you dry fire it?

As most of you know, dry firing most .22s is a no no. But you can dry fire the 10/22 because Ruger sets the fiiring pin up so at its farthest point of travel it will not contact the breach face of the chamber. I don't know about the Mk 1/2/3/4

Not sure.
Are these avail in Mass yet? The Ruger website lists a couple of dealers. But I want to buy from 4S.

no offense, but why not buy from Pullman Arms or one of the other stores involved in the lawsuit against Queen Maura the Tyrant!
give your money to them so they can win the fight! Carl at 4S is a good guy and all, i guess...and they always have something when other stores do not...but they couldn't give a shit about our rights as gun owners in this slave state. i can't blame them, I guess, but ALL my business is going to Pullman from this point forward.
no offense, but why not buy from Pullman Arms or one of the other stores involved in the lawsuit against Queen Maura the Tyrant!
give your money to them so they can win the fight! Carl at 4S is a good guy and all, i guess...and they always have something when other stores do not...but they couldn't give a shit about our rights as gun owners in this slave state. i can't blame them, I guess, but ALL my business is going to Pullman from this point forward.

No offense taken. It's a valid point that I never really thought about. But I will. I am just used to buying my new guns from Carl that when I think of buying one that is the first place I think of. I will check out Pullman Arms.
no offense, but why not buy from Pullman Arms or one of the other stores involved in the lawsuit against Queen Maura the Tyrant!
give your money to them so they can win the fight! Carl at 4S is a good guy and all, i guess...and they always have something when other stores do not...but they couldn't give a shit about our rights as gun owners in this slave state. i can't blame them, I guess, but ALL my business is going to Pullman from this point forward.
You do know that there are four shops that were picked for the lawsuit but many more wanted to help
Although if they really want to take a stand they would refuse to sell assault weapons to LEO's until they can lawfully sell them to us. Taken from their web site, "In light of this clarification of last weeks unexpected ruling by the Massachusetts Attorney General, Pullman Arms will now resume selling and transferring assault weapons to law enforcement."
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