Sandy Hook Commission: No gun that can fire over 10 rounds in a row

What would have happened if Lanza had fired 6 rounds and run out of ammo? Would he have been rushed and tackled by a dozen 5 and 6 year olds? Incredibly flawed logic.
I can't seem to figure out how liberals are so ****ing retarded that they can't understand how flawed their logic is.....I dont get it

You already know the answer..their arguments are not based on logic only raw emotion. That's all they got because they know their proposed legislation won't keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Instead, they want to make all of us criminals because they aren't willing do anything about the real bad guys.

Shootings in America are not caused by guns, they are caused by crime. Guns really do not walk off store shelves and go on killing sprees. That’s what criminals are for.

But the trouble with that discussion is that it takes us into moral territory. Talking about guns is easy, talking about souls is not. If guns don’t kill people, then we have to ask the difficult question of what does kill people.

Shadow of the Gun
What would have happened if Lanza had fired 6 rounds and run out of ammo? Would he have been rushed and tackled by a dozen 5 and 6 year olds? Incredibly flawed logic.

What would have happened if his mom was a police officer?
Bill Bratton wrote an op/ed in APB where he butchered the English language and referenced clips about 8 times, not once was the word magazine used.

It was all the 7 round crap spewed by others with basically the same talking points. He did manage to get around to stricter sentencing for firearms crimes versus drug crimes.

What the heck is APB?
Eventually people are going to start fighting back against these people who have already declared war on anyone who refuses to accept their indefensible interpretation of the constitution. What remains to be seen is whether that fighting back takes place too late.
If they don't choose to shut up and go away voluntarilly, they will be made to go away by force.

The rules of the game were decided and written down in the 1770's. I like those rules and I'll gladly play by them, and I'll play to win.
OK, since they're in the "fling enough shit and see what sticks" mode, let's counter with proposals of our own. How about, for starters, REPEAL of the current AWB, REPEAL of the prohibition on carrying in state parks and forests, REPEAL of the prohibition on carrying in schools (and policies encouraging teachers to do so), ...

Oh, yeah, and prosecution for perjury of any public official - along with a lifetime ban on ever holding public office again - for violating their oath of office.

Christ, why should we allow them to keep moving the gawddamned goalposts?
OK, since they're in the "fling enough shit and see what sticks" mode, let's counter with proposals of our own. How about, for starters, REPEAL of the current AWB, REPEAL of the prohibition on carrying in state parks and forests, REPEAL of the prohibition on carrying in schools (and policies encouraging teachers to do so), ...

Oh, yeah, and prosecution for perjury of any public official - along with a lifetime ban on ever holding public office again - for violating their oath of office.

Christ, why should we allow them to keep moving the gawddamned goalposts?

We shouldn't, the goal posts should be ripped from the ground.
Bernie Sullivan (commie in charge, former chief of police...penned an oped wanting mag limit to 6 bullets)

CT News Junkie | Commission Recommends Banning Guns That Carry More Than 10 Bullets

So he wants all his police officer brethren to be armed with only 6-round magazines?

Why would he put officers' lives in extreme danger by suggesting a cap on magazine capacities?

Very scary that there are LEOs that want to put their brothers and sisters in a tactically inferior position.
So he wants all his police officer brethren to be armed with only 6-round magazines?

Why would he put officers' lives in extreme danger by suggesting a cap on magazine capacities?

Very scary that there are LEOs that want to put their brothers and sisters in a tactically inferior position.

Why would he advocate for putting anyone else other than police in the same position either?
You guys don't get it. To very many LEOs we're ALL the bad guys - potential threats to them while they're on the job.

The police are not your servants, they're not your friends, they're the extension of government control in your life. It just happens that sometimes the "greater good" that they're serving happens to coincide with your desires or needs. But when it doesn't...
It's freakin' scary these days in CT, as it must be in MA with whacko extreme Patrick. I have sent over 150+ letters since Jan 1, called well over 50 times, been to 2 hearings, and sadly, I fear it does nothing. It's all about one town, in some piss ant state, being used as the precipitous for liberal idiocy and frothing at the mouth over playing "who's a better progressive?". Emotional sissy ass pandering, in every way. In my 40 years of shooting, I have never seen nor heard this degree of shear insanity on the part of the gun grabbers. It's that scum we have in the White House that continues to charge this up, and CT thinking they are some form of national model to be followed (like CA wants to be). Screwed, we will be in CT, and all the continued activism may slightly influence some of the crazy bills (1076 for example), but mark my words, we will be screwed, there's no avoiding it with Demtard majority in both houses. Frustrating beyond comprehension. The court cases subsequent to all of this will be interesting for sure.
Why would he advocate for putting anyone else other than police in the same position either?

Every been to a break in progress? Any open door calls? Any calls about guys waving guns at people in M/V and driving away? How about shooting victims? How about the next time some nut take ANY weapons (knife, stick, firearm) and starts killing people, you going to get in your pick up and drive there? When you start going to these calls and are willing to do it with 6 rds or 7 rds THEN you can advocate the guys who do go have the same. Some reason the fact that LEOS go TOWARDS the fighting EVERYDAY (depending on town) gets lost in the sauce. So the next time someone shoots up a school come on down and give us a hand with clearing the halls, then I'll personally give you the same size mags and weapons LEOS carry.
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