School me on binary triggers.

If you had a squib, how is a new round getting in the chamber? Are we saying it had enough energy to push the bullet past the gas port and extract/eject the last casing and feed the next, but not enough to get the rest of the way out of the barrel?
Most squibs prevent a new round from chambering, but I did see one in a 40 S&W single stack 1911 that went far enough to allow the next round to chamber, be discharged, pregnant guppy the barrel and crack the cone style comp threaded onto the barrel.
I got to try one for the first time this past weekend in a 10-22. Fun range toy. With a little practice you can burn through ammo on binary. Trigger pull on semi was decent. Only malfunction we saw was one 22 round that just refused to get into the chamber.

If you did have one cartridge that had enough juice to cycle the action, but not enough to clear the muzzle you would probably end up stacking some bullets behind it. I'm not sure how likely that actually is. Greater than zero chance, but how much greater?

I don't think I would ever put one in a center fire. 22LR's at the right price point for that kind of fun.
Imagine getting a squib. You know it, but you can't release the trigger. Although you will most likely release the trigger after shooting that way for so many years.

Is there some safety mechanism around this?
This is a risk every time I shoot a machine gun, buy quality ammo and hope for the best.
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Imagine getting a squib. You know it, but you can't release the trigger. Although you will most likely release the trigger after shooting that way for so many years.

Is there some safety mechanism around this?
Most of them have a way you can cancel it by holding the trigger back and enabling the safety or similar. Then it resets and wont fire on release.
My interest in mag dumping has gone downhill ever since ammo became gucci.
I have two friends with binary guns, the best kind, someone else’s toys!!!

They were very fun to play with back when ammo was cheap. Nobody plays with those toys recently….

I believe you can get the full one that is safe, semi, and binary in the full auto position or a cheaper version that is just safe and binary.

They can make a lot of ammo go bye bye real
Quick. A nice trigger you can get rid almost as much ammo almost as quickly. I’d rather the nicer trigger….
With an AR do y'all really think a squib is going to make the barrel explode? It might swell a bit but there isn't enough energy blow it wide open.
Ok so I have an SP5 SBR and put one in. Fun at the range until a guy on the Board told me to stop and never use it again at our range. He opined that they were considered to make the rifle into a MG in Mass and therefore illegal according to our club rules. I am thinking of disputing this but don’t really want to rock the boat at my club. Anyone else have issues like this?
Ok so I have an SP5 SBR and put one in. Fun at the range until a guy on the Board told me to stop and never use it again at our range. He opined that they were considered to make the rifle into a MG in Mass and therefore illegal according to our club rules. I am thinking of disputing this but don’t really want to rock the boat at my club. Anyone else have issues like this?
Fudds at MA ranges is an issue, yes
Ok so I have an SP5 SBR and put one in. Fun at the range until a guy on the Board told me to stop and never use it again at our range. He opined that they were considered to make the rifle into a MG in Mass and therefore illegal according to our club rules. I am thinking of disputing this but don’t really want to rock the boat at my club. Anyone else have issues like this?

His opinion doesn't matter. I would challenge him on that.

You could say his smoothbore shotgun is a cannon, I am sure those are also not allowed in your club. You can totally ignore bore size just like he ignores that the trigger is not a MG.

The downside to his challenge is that they might just ban binary triggers. The upside is it will expose his BS.

I would continue shooting it when he is not around.
Ok so I have an SP5 SBR and put one in. Fun at the range until a guy on the Board told me to stop and never use it again at our range. He opined that they were considered to make the rifle into a MG in Mass and therefore illegal according to our club rules. I am thinking of disputing this but don’t really want to rock the boat at my club. Anyone else have issues like this?
Just ignore him and keep on rocking it. I hear full auto all the time here in NH. As long as it’s not waking up kids, nobody cares.
Yes, they do have a place, and it's a big "giggle factor" (especially .22 rimfire). For the added safety just be sure to keep your muzzle pointed on target until your finger is removed from the trigger housing. Nothing unsafe with binaries, just takes understanding, and paying attention to exactly what mode of fire your in. My Tippman M4 rimfire pistol with a Franklin Armory binary. IMG_20211113_171449891.jpg
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I have a Franklin Binary in my Scorpion SBR. Fun as hell,never had a jam (probably shot over a few K rounds) and as close to a machine gun, or pretty much the same IMO. Surprisingly easy to manage recoil and even more so I'd imagine once my can comes in. I also have a 22 binary, AR binary and also an AK binary.. I guess you could say I'm a Binary whore 😂
Binary triggers are a great way to enjoy rapid-fire shooting without the significant expense of a real machine gun. They function by firing on both the trigger pull and release, which can take some getting used to. For range blasting, they can be a blast (pun intended), but keep in mind that you'll burn through ammo quickly, so it might get pricey.
Ok so I have an SP5 SBR and put one in. Fun at the range until a guy on the Board told me to stop and never use it again at our range. He opined that they were considered to make the rifle into a MG in Mass and therefore illegal according to our club rules. I am thinking of disputing this but don’t really want to rock the boat at my club. Anyone else have issues like this?
We had something like that happen at my primary club. One of the senior members who is a trustee went off about somebody shooting full auto at our range, which is against the rules. He's generally a great guy, though a bit of a Fudd. I was the one to investigate and determined it was a guy I know with a binary trigger. He actually volunteered to never bring it back but I just asked him to temporarily hold off until I discussed w/ the exec board. I had to give some binary trigger 101, and once everyone knew what it was and that it was legal in MA- Mr. Binary was good to go.

We've had a few instances of senior members and/or e-board members getting their panties up in a wad over a few issues such as 50 BMG and this binary trigger issue. The way I and my like-minded e-board members shut that stuff down is simply remind everyone that we are not in the business of banning anything that is legal in MA, and that MA is plenty restrictive. Also if the shooter keeps his/her shots on the berm, who cares what they use to do that.

Back to our regularly scheduled program...

NES and Full Auto: Feds suck! It's a constitutional right! Fvck Yeah!


NES and Binary Triggers: Eeeek! You'll get a case of the SQUIBS!!!


LOL, love ya brothers- but you had this one coming.
Yes, they do have a place, and it's a big "giggle factor" (especially .22 rimfire). For the added safety just be sure to keep your muzzle pointed on target until your finger is removed from the trigger housing. Nothing unsafe with binaries, just takes understanding, and paying attention to exactly what mode of fire your in. My Tippman M4 rimfire pistol with a Franklin Armory binary.View attachment 810203
Awesome! I'm wondering if it would work with a CMMG 22LR conversion? I have one of those and it actually runs great but haven't tried it with a binary trigger.
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