Second amendment march (Photos, too. )


NES Member
May 24, 2005
Just east of Zone 9, but in Worcester County.
Feedback: 6 / 0 / 0
Wonderful weather. Lots of photos to upload later. Good crowd, not at all a bad turnout. Most interesting thing is the lack of professionally printed signs. In fact I don't see one. This is an honest grass roots gathering of [STRIKE]convicted[/STRIKE] people of strong convictions. Good speakers. Lots of heart felt personal stories of how the gun laws do not work. Many speakers have books they are autographing and you can talk to them. They might not listen to us, but it isn't because they can't hear us. If I could figure out how to post photos from the iPhone, I would. You all would have had a great time here. It's nice to hear how things are changing.

Kiver was helped onto stage to be recognized for his organization of the MA bus.

Media is amazing - even El Jazera is here. If they were looking for a negative image, they would have to be disapponted. I don't see any counter protesters or infiltrators.

Stay tuned for further reports.
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I really wish I could be there. Unfortunately I have a 2 year old and a wife who works hours beyond those of our daycare provider, so I wasn't able to make the trip.

Glad to hear you guys have beatiful weather and a great crowd. Hope everything stays clean and peaceful so there's nothing to detract from the message.
Thanks Chris for the update. Really wish I could of been down there with you guys. Looks like a great day from the pics that Ross posted for you.

Can't wait to see all your pics!!! So how many people do you estimate were there?
Who were the speakers besides Ted? Thanks to those who went, and we look forward to photos. A special thanks to Kiver for organizing the bus.
nothing on TV, even Fox.

Fox News is as much of a SHAM as their other media compatriots. Fox News could have EASILY set up a stupid tent, or even sent a field reporter down there to cover it. There was ZERO pre-event press and no one from Fox was on the scene. It would have been nice for even Glenn Beck to show his mug. I was interviewed by CBC, CNN, two newspapers and one documentary crew. Apparently, they found it newsworthy - Fox did not.

2000? So much for the Million Gun Owners March....... Can't say anything though as I wasn't there either.

It's just proof that the "keyboard commandos" far outweigh dedicated patriots by a wide margin. You and others obviously had a good excuse for not making it, but my bet is that is more the exception than the rule. Look at the sheer numbers of NES members and then look at the numbers represented there. It's shameful....Too many folks - especially here, talk the talk but haven't the foggiest how to walk...

Maybe people are realizing the time for honest protest and debate is over.

This is another point which has some validity, but does not include the other scenario - the "roll over and take it crowd"....

Who were the speakers besides Ted? Thanks to those who went, and we look forward to photos. A special thanks to Kiver for organizing the bus.

If you're talking about the other Sham-Master, Ted Nugent, he was not in attendance. Apparently, they could not come up with enough MONEY for him to bother attending....He's no friend to gun owners - he's a friend to his own self-promotion, self-interest, ego and bottom line. Another piece-of-shit mouthpiece who does NOTHING for gun owners, unless there's something in it for him....[slap]

It should also be noted that the omnipotent National Rifle Association was absent from the festivities - except of course, setting up a tent off on their own - whoring for memberships. They offered ZERO support, (keynote speakers, audio/video crews, security, NRA radio coverage, pre-event promotion - nothing). As long as the gleaming office tower is intact, then all's well in the world with the NRA....[thinking]

As to the event itself, it was an awesome day. If nothing else, I got to connect with a lot of like-minded people from other areas of the country and at least feel a little of the spark that occurs when people choose to get off their ass.....
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Second Amendment March Photos Thread

Thought it would be nice to have all our images of this event in one place so feel free to add your to this thread.
These are a few that I processed this morning and will be adding many more over the next few days.







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