OK. I'm going to write up a quick 'logical thinking' how-to checklist for you guys so when you see that headline, and click on that link, you can use your deductive reasoning abilities to decide whether or not you should 'open your mouth and remove all doubt'.
Step 1: As you're reading the article, something should feel off to you. Maybe it's the way the article is written, or the things people are being quoted as saying, but something should tip you off that this is either A)too good to be true, or B) Too stupid to be true. Even if something does not seem off to you, proceed to step 2, regardless.
Step 2: Verify the source of this information as a source which is regarded as 'legitimate'. While being an illegitimate source doesn't necessarily preclude the story's truthfulness or accuracy, it is an easy step to take which will allow you to assume a certain level of integrity going in, thereby determining how deep you need to dig in order to assign a pass or fail.
Step 3: Assuming the source is something you've never heard of before, like 'The Palookaville Post' to throw out a random example, immediately begin your own verification of the legitimacy of the rest of the sites content. For example, if all of the other stories are stories that you recognize as being legitimately and properly sourced, then that's a few points toward the article. However, if the rest of the sites content contains stories with headlines like 'Drone Manufacturers Will Offer Nuclear Powered Aircraft Directly to the Public', and authors named 'Jimmy Olsentwins', you should remain skeptical.
Step 4: If at this point you still feel there is doubt, the best way to ensure that at least the source information that the article is based on is legitimate is to highlight a quote and google it, looking for all of the various other places on the net where this quote has been quoted. If the only other places that show up in a search are places where people are linking to and quoting your original article and not actually posted from other news sources, then you have yourself a verified fake article.
Enjoy your new-found powers of deduction and light research!