State Guard, they take the place of the Army Guard or Air Guard when they aren't available.
The physical requirements aren't high. They don't carry weapons (usually), but they do security sometimes, and various other tasks within state to ease the burden on the Army or Air Guard.
February 10, 2004
Members of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia (MVM) have been drilling at the Joint Force Headquarters - Massachusetts in direct support of the state mission of the Massachusetts National Guard.
The MVM is a volunteer organization that allows citizens to support the activities of the National Guard. "This is a great organization for those who want to give something back to the community, but for one reason or another cannot enlist in the Massachusetts National Guard. We are lucky to have them," noted Maj. Gen. George W. Keefe, The Adjutant General of the Massachusetts National Guard.
The mission of the MVM is:
1. To provide service and support to the Massachusetts National Guard during full or partial mobilization.
2. To provide service and support to the National Guard during normal day-to-day planning operations, and other non-activation activities.
3. Assume state missions of the National Guard following mobilization.
4. Renders support to military and civilian authorities during domestic emergencies, national disasters, and military ceremonial events.
5. Assist in the training and readiness of the National Guard and conduct other missions as assigned by The Adjutant General.
CPL Michael J. Pietrowicz (MA) of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia works the front desk at Joint Force Headquarters - Massachusetts under the direction of Massachusetts National Guard SGT Kurt Bouron.
In addition, MVM will develop plans, prepare and conduct realistic and meaningful training, support the training and readiness of the National Guard, and conduct missions and other tasks as assigned by the direction of The Adjutant General, in accordance with applicable Massachusetts National Guard policies.
The Director of the MVM is Col. (MA) Ronald J. Bruchmann, and additional information on the organization can be obtained by contacting Col. (MA) Todd Miles at
or 508-865-6118.
Capt. Winfield Danielson
Public Affairs Officer
Massachusetts National Guard
DSN: 256-6560