Service Type

Which category do you fit in?

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I'm still trying to figure out what to put...

Isn't civilian and Homland Security pretty much the same thing? Or do I expect too much to have the civilians step up and defend the homeland when the situation arises?

I have signed and sworn as a "reserve Deputy Sheriff of Worcester County" but it holds no duties unless called by the sheriff. So, does that count as LE or not?

Why does everything have to be so much more complicated than it is? (^_^)
Chris said:
Isn't civilian and Homland Security pretty much the same thing? Or do I expect too much to have the civilians step up and defend the homeland when the situation arises?

I think most of us here least the ones that post that is.

If you're a reserve DS, then I'd put LE, Chris, but that's me. :D

I spent 3 years in the US Army from 1959-1962 but have had a part time police appointment for over 30 years. so I guess that makes me more LEO than Dog face. [lol] [lol] [lol] Of course that 30 years Police appointment and $2.00 can get me a cup of coffee most places. Jim :P :P
I had a good buddy who didn't fancy hot and humid climates with people shooting at him, so he enlisted Army after college to get his choice of assignments. Don't remember if Chuck was with ASA or some other MI group. My wife and I were visiting him at his station in Leitershoffen in the fall of '72. I was back in civilian life doing contract work for DoD at the time and was still cleared for more things than I should talk about. He and I were both essentially fluent in German as well. As a result, we ended up with an extremely close up view of the Olympic debacle. Really solidified my feelings toward terrorists (and poor planning and performance as well).

That was the only thing he ever told me about what he did in the Navy,was after I was stationed at Field Station. We did have a token squid (1) that was working at our site. He said it was ASA. I had told him we worked for NSA.
Ten years (1982 - 1992) as an Army Combat Engineer, preceeded by four years at "Hudson High", a.k.a. the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. See screen name: USMA-82

Spent first three years at Fort Campbell, KY with the 101st Airborne Div, a year at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, three years in Germany (Aschaffenburg, near Frankfurt), two years back in the States for Grad School (U of NH), then a final year with the (civilian) Corps of Engineers at the former Fort Devens in Massachusetts.

Along the way, was issued a wife and two children.

Big regret: left Germany three months before the wall came down....

USMA, that is the one thing Glenn and I would have loved to be there for. Although we did see someone we knew and worked with on the wall as it came down. [lol] We lived a mile from the wall. We lived on the german economy not military housing.
Some year we plan on going back to Berlin to see what it is like. Especially to see what neither side had access too.
Also welcome.
i put the vote in for USAF

but I was actually NJ ANG
108th CAM Sq out of McGuire AFB
Avionics Technician on the F105B thunderchief.
when the "thud" developed a nasty habit of having a wing fall off in flight they gave us the F4

don't think the unit is around anymore. I recently did a search for them, and all's I came up with was the other ANG unit at McGuire the 170th which is now an air refueling unit. and the 177th which is a FIG out of atlantic city.
USN Bubblehead 8/73-12/82
USNR target 83-92 ("Only 2 kinds of ships; subs & targets!")
USNR Seabees 93 - 03

Navy Reserve with a Seabee battalion was *almost* as much work as my full time job; at least 20 hours per week setting up training and coordinating donations/material for 2 or 3 community construction projects each month.
yup,i'm a Civie

would of been gone into the service after high school,if i didn't have my little accident when i was four :(

remember,always listen to your mother when they say-"no you can't have one,you'll shot your eye out"
How about the American Merchant Marine!

How about us? I carried a sh+tload of 500 pound bombs and hand grenades to VietNam. A bunch of Bud for the troops too. During WWII the mariners suffered a higher percentage of casualties than any other branch of service.
Just trying to keep Americas awareness of our Merchant Marine before it is gone.
Merchant Marine. Yup, you folks deserve a mention, the closest thing to being military without being military. Especially the WW2 time frame, where they are the same in my eyes. Well, you folks never get many thanks, but you've definitely got mine. If it wasn't for you folks, and the cargo pilots, I would've missed meals in the field, or suffered from a lack of ammo. Thanks!

I added Merchant Marines to the Poll. Have at it!

Thanks for your service!
IIRC, The Merchant Marine Academy at King's Point NY is the only federal academy to have an organizational flag bearing battle ribbons.
The MMA @ KP is the ONLY Federal Academy. There are quite a few other State, private/Union run. Both for Engine and deck officers and unlicensed crew members. All suffered high member losses during conflicts from wooden ships to steel.
Seafarer said:
The MMA @ KP is the ONLY Federal Academy. There are quite a few other State, private/Union run. Both for Engine and deck officers and unlicensed crew members. All suffered high member losses during conflicts from wooden ships to steel.

I didn't mean SUNY Bronx, Maine Maritime, etc. I meant the federal academies. I don't believe Annapolis, West Point, New London, or that other one in CO are authorized battle streamers.

I do wonder if some of the state academies like VMI may be entitled to streamers [?] Nah, their side lost.
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