Service Type

Which category do you fit in?

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Army for me. 3 years as a mechanic and 4.5 as a combat medic with the 10th Mountain Division.

Most of my Active Duty time was during "peace time" so I only have a couple overseas trips (Iraq and Kosovo) between 1996 to 2003 in the "real world" deployments. *lots of snow, lots of field time, lots of JRTC, NTC, Chile, West Point, NYC-EMS, Field stuff...

Currently National Guard - full time paper pusher... :)
U.S. Air Force 1968-1972
Aircraft Electrician , F-100, F-4, anything else that landed and needed work.
Vietnam, United Kingdom, Libya, Italy, Spain, Germany, Turkey, some places I forgot.
Also former LEO
Tom D
USAF 1981-1985 and if the Chick posted with the Army (pukes) in Berlin at the EXACT same time as me says "thank you for your service" I'm just gonna laugh!" -Love Ya Mrs WW:)[smile]
First.... Many thanks to all our Vets past and present for their dedicated service. We are free today because all of you served our great country!

I voted in as a citizen but I am also a 28 year vetern of my hometown Volunteer Fire department.

Have a great Holiday season everyone!
US Navy 04-present. Deployed to Northern Iraq and Central/South America. Currently stationed in Kittery, ME.
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