She just sucks


What is not a stereotypical cable box?

I think most sports fans have cable to watch the home teams, you are talking about a club.

Kinda different.

Maura is doing this for our own good, you are just too blind to see it.
A rokun or any of the 489 streaming devices you can buy for the better part of a decade now are not traditional cable boxes you rent.

This whole thing is likely a tax on old people that don't know how to get rid of cable box rentals.
ETA: They also have a great voice remote option. Much better than Roku. You can speak a channel number or channel name and it will go there.

My son dropped cable in 2017 when they moved to South Carolina from Alabama. Actually, probably before as they got rid of Direct TV while they lived in AL.
They are mostly sports and news fans, or at least he is. He streams everything, mostly via Fubo. In addition he has MLB and NFL Sunday ticket.

In their "TV Room" they have five wall mounted TCL/Ruko TVs that they use mostly for watching sports.

I can tell you that the main problem with streaming for a lot of people is the remotes. The one thing that keeps cable afloat is that the remotes are superior to Ruko remotes because they have keypads. It's a PITA to scroll through the f*cking guide every time I want to change the channel. I do it, but I hate it.

Comcast has developed, and is granting Spectrum use of, the Xumo box. It's a streaming box, but it also has a keypad so that it functions like a cable box. I think right now you have to get them through Comcat or Spectrum, but if they ever release it for sale like Roku, it will put Roku out of business.

As with Roku, you can add all sorts of streaming apps like YouTube, Hulu, Netflix, etc.

In MA it probably won't matter as they'll tax it anyway. Maybe they'll come up with a TV license, as England at least used to.


What is not a stereotypical cable box?

I think most sports fans have cable to watch the home teams, you are talking about a club.

Kinda different.

Maura is doing this for our own good, you are just too blind to see it.
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Wait until they go to accept the new MassSave plan tomorrow. They want $5 billion over 3 years....all paid for by rate payers. The average gas bill in MA last month (with the previous changes they just rolled back) included $80 for MassSave. Add in your average electric bill and the average consumer is paying $120 a month (in the winter) for MassSave.

That's $120 every month that goes directly to someone else's house.
Cable box is how they start.
Then it becomes a router.
And so on ...

My guess is they are pushing for the cable box because they know many people will think they way you do.

They can get how many devices you connect from your ISP. Imagine a "charging tax" because we need to be green. More connected devices = more energy = bad for turtles in Indonesia.
They will pull the same shit as the UK television license fee, only for all electronic devices the state feels like it can claim exist at an address.
ETA: They also have a great voice remote option. Much better than Roku. You can speak a channel number or channel name and it will go there.

My son dropped cable in 2017 when they moved to South Carolina from Alabama. Actually, probably before as they got rid of Direct TV while they lived in AL.
They are mostly sports and news fans, or at least he is. He streams everything, mostly via Fubo. In addition he has MLB and NFL Sunday ticket.

In their "TV Room" they have five wall mounted TCL/Ruko TVs that they use mostly for watching sports.

I can tell you that the main problem with streaming for a lot of people is the remotes. The one thing that keeps cable afloat is that the remotes are superior to Ruko remotes because they have keypads. It's a PITA to scroll through the f*cking guide every time I want to change the channel. I do it, but I hate it.

Comcast has developed, and is granting Spectrum use of, the Xumo box. It's a streaming box, but it also has a keypad so that it functions like a cable box. I think right now you have to get them through Comcat or Spectrum, but if they ever release it for sale like Roku, it will put Roku out of business.

As with Roku, you can add all sorts of streaming apps like YouTube, Hulu, Netflix, etc.

In MA it probably won't matter as they'll tax it anyway. Maybe they'll come up with a TV license, as England at least used to.

Nah cable boxes are kept afloat by old lazy and the screaming noisebox 24/7 crowd. Everyone else moved on.
I might have not made the story clear. Comcast owns the majority of Xumo. You can watch Comcast (or Spectrum) cable channels on the box, but you can also add apps such as YouTube, Netflix, whatever. At some point in the not distant future they will get rid of traditional cable boxes and Xumo will be your only option.

They aren't stupid at Comcast, they know who is cutting cable and moving streaming.

Nah cable boxes are kept afloat by old lazy and the screaming noisebox 24/7 crowd. Everyone else moved on.
I might have not made the story clear. Comcast owns the majority of Xumo. You can watch Comcast (or Spectrum) cable channels on the box, but you can also add apps such as YouTube, Netflix, whatever. At some point in the not distant future they will get rid of traditional cable boxes and Xumo will be your only option.

They aren't stupid at Comcast, they know who is cutting cable and moving streaming.
I have some stupid f***ing streaming thing that Comcast gave me for nothing maybe it's one of those I don't know it's still in the box I never used it I tried to prevent them from giving it to me and I grilled the shit out of them asking if there was a rental or anything on it I didn't want it I was having issues communicating with the lady I'm like " I don't think you understand I don't watch television I watch television two places that's not here and it's only at infrequent times. "

I remember before I had switched my service they were trying to get me to keep it and I'm like "do you really understand or something you have an issue because like I don't f***ing watch television any content like that I get I get out of the cart so to speak instead of just a randomly broadcasted dribble is a waste of my time. "
They will pull the same shit as the UK television license fee, only for all electronic devices the state feels like it can claim exist at an address.
Getting that data would be easy for them. Your ISP and yout phone company know what you have active.

Not sure if an ISP can tell between the different computers (they should be able to), but the phone company knows 100% what you have active.

If they are not reporting already, they will pass a law to get that data.

What a great mASS politician she is. "Oh, I'm not going to raise taxes or add taxes - in fact, I'm going to work to CUT taxes. And now presenting, our five new taxes! TADA!"

I remember the day I stopped trusting in mASS governmetn 100%. It was when they raised the cigarette tax on the premise of "stopping smoking deaths in mASSachusetts." After about 2 years of a massive ad campaign and such, cigarette sales were PLUMMETING!

What did they State Whorehouse do? They decided that we are spending WAAAAY too much money on this (remember - it was 100% funded by increases in cigarette taxes). So they appropriated the vast majority of the $ to the general fund and, shockingly, cigarette tax revenue began to rise again.

I didn't really trust them before. But to CLAIM they were saving lives and then steal the $ to then kill other people??? I hope they all get painful non-life-threatening ass-cancer. Because I don't wish death on them. I wish anguish and pain. ;)
Dimples is on TAX roll!!! Shes inventing shit like mad, and adding to the old ones!! HOLY FXCK!!

My dad has the cable box cause they are old and don't understand tech,...... not gonna be happy!!
Increasing taxes on retired fixed income folks or anyone else to pay for her expensive, beloved illegal alien layabouts is just plain wrong. But that's what DimocRATS do: Forget about the ridiculous cause of the shortfall and just raise taxes to pay for more of it. :mad:

Our only hope is the Feds. Thank God the TPS on Haitians is finally ending. That should help. Now, let's get Homan up here ASAP to clear out all the welfare-loving illegals and send them back home where they belong. [thumbsup]
Increasing taxes on retired fixed income folks or anyone else to pay for her expensive, beloved illegal alien layabouts is just plain wrong. But that's what DimocRATS do: Forget about the ridiculous cause of the shortfall and just raise taxes to pay for more of it. :mad:

Our only hope is the Feds. Thank God the TPS on Haitians is finally ending. That should help. Now, let's get Homan up here ASAP to clear out all the welfare-loving illegals and send them back home where they belong. [thumbsup]
Mass elected her and has kept her in power. They must like taxes and illegals.
A rokun or any of the 489 streaming devices you can buy for the better part of a decade now are not traditional cable boxes you rent.

This whole thing is likely a tax on old people that don't know how to get rid of cable box rentals.
I get that, but you still have to pay to watch local sports on streaming devices. I thought you meant alternate boxes like back in the day where you could unscramble all the channels with the little dial lol. I never paid for one Tyson fight :)
Can't help you with your Comcast issues, but then again Comcast usually couldn't either. When we first got Spectrum they offered the then new Xumo box for free so I took it. That was the very first version and it was only so-so. I had to reboot it at least once a week to keep it working. When I finally was annoyed enough to call about a replacement they reserved one at the nearby store. I was surprised to see that the box was completely different and much better.

I guess they were using subscribers as beta testers and fixed a lot of the problems. I think for people who want something like traditional cable, it's a good option.

When we were moving a I did some cost comparisons of Spectrum with TV and Spectrum as ISP only with streaming services instead. Selection was more or less the same, but the streaming services ended up costing more.

90% of what's on TV via any delivery method is crap. All of the "retro" content providers have the same shows with the same commercials. Ads for shit I neither want nor need and much of which is a rip off anyway. That doesn't even include the "begathon" commercials.

I have some stupid f***ing streaming thing that Comcast gave me for nothing maybe it's one of those I don't know it's still in the box I never used it I tried to prevent them from giving it to me and I grilled the shit out of them asking if there was a rental or anything on it I didn't want it I was having issues communicating with the lady I'm like " I don't think you understand I don't watch television I watch television two places that's not here and it's only at infrequent times. "

I remember before I had switched my service they were trying to get me to keep it and I'm like "do you really understand or something you have an issue because like I don't f***ing watch television any content like that I get I get out of the cart so to speak instead of just a randomly broadcasted dribble is a waste of my time. "
Shall we start a Go Fund Me to reward those who can prove they reported illegals to ICE? Let's take away one of her reasons excuses to increase taxes.
Just about every day, she shows her total contempt for the people who live in MA. She considers them to be peasants whose purpose is to fund her wet dreams of a socialist utopia.

Shall we start a Go Fund Me to reward those who can prove they reported illegals to ICE? Let's take away one of her reasons excuses to increase taxes.
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