She just sucks

How's that proposition two and a half working out for you guys?
Never. When I owned a home up there the last 5 years my RE tax went up 8 -10 percent a year.even though we voted down all sorts of new public spending like a 7 million dollar cop and fire shop. (Thank GOD!) Somehow 2.5 percent mathing never worked out in my town.

Even worse those 5 years I had zero kids in school, a well, septic, and paid for my own trash pickup and had zero cell signal.

I got very shitty bumpy roads that got plowed and ill admit oversalted to destroy the environment and my car for my 6500 a year.
All it would take is the ever increasing libs moving out from 495 area to pass that public safety building and I would have been looking at an 8k a year tax bill.

But im sure in 2-3 years itll be close to that anyway.

Like my parents say…you just replace the mortgage you had paid off…with the same payment or more but its now in taxes that never go away. You never really own your house ever
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ETA: They also have a great voice remote option. Much better than Roku. You can speak a channel number or channel name and it will go there.

My son dropped cable in 2017 when they moved to South Carolina from Alabama. Actually, probably before as they got rid of Direct TV while they lived in AL.
They are mostly sports and news fans, or at least he is. He streams everything, mostly via Fubo. In addition he has MLB and NFL Sunday ticket.

In their "TV Room" they have five wall mounted TCL/Ruko TVs that they use mostly for watching sports.

I can tell you that the main problem with streaming for a lot of people is the remotes. The one thing that keeps cable afloat is that the remotes are superior to Ruko remotes because they have keypads. It's a PITA to scroll through the f*cking guide every time I want to change the channel. I do it, but I hate it.

Comcast has developed, and is granting Spectrum use of, the Xumo box. It's a streaming box, but it also has a keypad so that it functions like a cable box. I think right now you have to get them through Comcat or Spectrum, but if they ever release it for sale like Roku, it will put Roku out of business.

As with Roku, you can add all sorts of streaming apps like YouTube, Hulu, Netflix, etc.

In MA it probably won't matter as they'll tax it anyway. Maybe they'll come up with a TV license, as England at least used to.
The UK still has the TV license concept.

What a great mASS politician she is. "Oh, I'm not going to raise taxes or add taxes - in fact, I'm going to work to CUT taxes. And now presenting, our five new taxes! TADA!"

I remember the day I stopped trusting in mASS governmetn 100%. It was when they raised the cigarette tax on the premise of "stopping smoking deaths in mASSachusetts." After about 2 years of a massive ad campaign and such, cigarette sales were PLUMMETING!

What did they State Whorehouse do? They decided that we are spending WAAAAY too much money on this (remember - it was 100% funded by increases in cigarette taxes). So they appropriated the vast majority of the $ to the general fund and, shockingly, cigarette tax revenue began to rise again.

I didn't really trust them before. But to CLAIM they were saving lives and then steal the $ to then kill other people??? I hope they all get painful non-life-threatening ass-cancer. Because I don't wish death on them. I wish anguish and pain. ;)

5 new fees... see they are fees not taxes
Saw an interview this morning with Auditor Diana DiZoglio. She was saying that both the Governor and AG are blocking her from doing any investigations. She needs both of them to force departments to turn over financial information and they are refusing to do it. Basically she said they are ignoring the 72% of voters who wanted the audits. If the Governor or AG will not enforce what the voters want what recourse is there.
Who on earth still has a cable box?
Mostly the elderly.... who are on fixed incomes like SS or pensions, and who can least afford it.... But don't worry. The state will give them back SOME of their money under various assistance programs.... like PACE...

Here, let us take another G-note from you this year to heat your house, but here is 500 back from PACE to help you pay for it. Aren't we so great.... Don't you love it here in MA..

But honestly - it's not Marsha's fault... It's the nitwits who lap this shit up like the well-trained dogs they are... These politicians have no power at all but for what the sheep here give them...
Saw an interview this morning with Auditor Diana DiZoglio. She was saying that both the Governor and AG are blocking her from doing any investigations. She needs both of them to force departments to turn over financial information and they are refusing to do it. Basically she said they are ignoring the 72% of voters who wanted the audits. If the Governor or AG will not enforce what the voters want what recourse is there.
I wish I could say this surprises me, but I can't. Typical Massachusetts government behavior.

The peasants don't need to know where their money goes. Trust in your wise and kind betters.

And just make sure you keep paying. 😡
Saw an interview this morning with Auditor Diana DiZoglio. She was saying that both the Governor and AG are blocking her from doing any investigations. She needs both of them to force departments to turn over financial information and they are refusing to do it. Basically she said they are ignoring the 72% of voters who wanted the audits. If the Governor or AG will not enforce what the voters want what recourse is there.
Recall maybe. Don’t know how that works but I’m willing to try.

Saw an interview this morning with Auditor Diana DiZoglio. She was saying that both the Governor and AG are blocking her from doing any investigations. She needs both of them to force departments to turn over financial information and they are refusing to do it. Basically she said they are ignoring the 72% of voters who wanted the audits. If the Governor or AG will not enforce what the voters want what recourse is there.

Certainly makes you wonder what they are hiding.
Saw an interview this morning with Auditor Diana DiZoglio. She was saying that both the Governor and AG are blocking her from doing any investigations. She needs both of them to force departments to turn over financial information and they are refusing to do it. Basically she said they are ignoring the 72% of voters who wanted the audits. If the Governor or AG will not enforce what the voters want what recourse is there.
Saw an interview this morning with Auditor Diana DiZoglio. She was saying that both the Governor and AG are blocking her from doing any investigations. She needs both of them to force departments to turn over financial information and they are refusing to do it. Basically she said they are ignoring the 72% of voters who wanted the audits. If the Governor or AG will not enforce what the voters want what recourse is there.
Can you petition for mandamus against constitutional offices in Massachusetts? Barring that... mandamus against each of the department heads?
Well if we could organize it would be easier than you think to get rid of her.
Not really. Have you really looked at your fellow voters? Most of the voting block in mass is lazy and horrible people. Most are center left or apathetic at best. Unless the feds come and put her in jail that pos isn't going anywhere.
Not really. Have you really looked at your fellow voters? Most of the voting block in mass is lazy and horrible people. Most are center left or apathetic at best. Unless the feds come and put her in jail that pos isn't going anywhere.

This is why I fully expect Wu will lose to Kraft. A couple of lefties duking it out and he’ll pay for the win with his money and name recognition. Dems in this state will love him to death.
This is why I fully expect Wu will lose to Kraft. A couple of lefties duking it out and he’ll pay for the win with his money and name recognition. Dems in this state will love him to death.
Wu has that covid taint, many of the other pols punched out since then.
Mostly the elderly.... who are on fixed incomes like SS or pensions, and who can least afford it.... But don't worry. The state will give them back SOME of their money under various assistance programs.... like PACE...

Here, let us take another G-note from you this year to heat your house, but here is 500 back from PACE to help you pay for it. Aren't we so great.... Don't you love it here in MA..

But honestly - it's not Marsha's fault... It's the nitwits who lap this shit up like the well-trained dogs they are... These politicians have no power at all but for what the sheep here give them...

Oiym nawt dead, yyet! LOL

I'll go one further. I've got a DVR box circa 2014 or so. Still works. Comsplat would LOVE for me to upgrade. Sure, as soon as you allow PiP while scrolling thru the guide, you morons. How do you upgrade and REDUCE features on your platform????
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