Shooting at Ocean State Job Lot

An employee shot a customer during an argument yesterday at the Brockton store. The customer allegedly pulled a knife and the employee shot him. Sounds good except the employee fled the store and has been missing ever since. Oh, and he's eighteen.

It's going to be interesting to see what comes out of this.
Unless the teen had an FID and shot the knife wielder with a low-capacity rifle or shotgun, he is likely screwed big time. Fleeing the scene of even a legitimate self defense shooting will also work against him.
I missed this reply and just realized my post created confusion (my job is done here).

We have a small church. "Security" is whoever is going to actually act if something happens. We were having the discussion to see what our options were. The discussion went pretty much nowhere. There is no group dedicated to this. There is no insurance. There are a few of us who carry. And this guy knew all this, and is still under the impression that we need some type of training and certificate program before we're allowed to carry in church - which is odd because without training you can carry in schools (as long as you're not a student), gov buildings and the capital building.

That's a liberal mindset.

My mind is if yall are a group who are under the blessing of the church is one thing

This group doesn't sound to be what I thought
Whenever I hear about some police officer struggling with qualification or complaining that they are not paid to practice, I am thinking "are you effing serious?".
When I lived in MA, I made the offer to my entire PD to bring any officer to my gun club as my guest to practice. NOBODY ever took me up on the offer. One officer said "only if the chief authorized it as overtime and supplied the ammo". I'm sure that they would want someone else to clean the gun for them too.
How about the yearly stipend some get for successfully qualifying? Basically you get a bonus for being able to do the job you get paid to do.
Never heard of such a thing. They get paid OT to qualify if it isn't during their shift, but that is all.
When I lived in MA, I made the offer to my entire PD to bring any officer to my gun club as my guest to practice. NOBODY ever took me up on the offer. One officer said "only if the chief authorized it as overtime and supplied the ammo". I'm sure that they would want someone else to clean the gun for them too.

Never heard of such a thing. They get paid OT to qualify if it isn't during their shift, but that is all.
I know of a department that gets a $300 stipend for qualifying in their union contract.
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