Shooting/Training and Gun Videos, post them here.

Put about an hour and a half into the gunslinging today. Pretty much all stuff like this.

I started recording 3rd person at the advice of Supermoto, and then figured I'd try to get a PiP video up.

edit: Fixed the syncing issues.

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try the same drill with barricade you have to shoot around or ports you have to shoot thru. It will help you learn to set up and leave positions. You can easily make them out of IPSC targets, cut out the A zone for the ports
There are a couple people here using a Contour Roam2, correct?
Mine will be here tomorrow, How are you mounting it to your muffs?
Incoming. I've got some work to do with both guns. I was still trying to sort out a grip adjustment here, and have since given up in favor of a gear solution. We'll see how things go when I'm back to my normal grip next time I'm at the range.

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To embed: use the video film looking button and copy/paste the html from YouTube. Don't use any of the shortcut YouTube things, copy from your browser address bar
To embed: use the video film looking button and copy/paste the html from YouTube. Don't use any of the shortcut YouTube things, copy from your browser address bar

That was my problem, using the youtube shortcuts. Got it now, Thanks! Next up: getting the shooting on point.
My 14 year old son shooting in the Monument Beach IDPA match this Saturday. This was his second match. We both need much more practice, but he's going in the right direction. He rolled through the first stage ,until the last target then he let frustration get the best of him. I'm just thrilled he loves shooting with me.

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Hopefully this doesn't derail us too badly, but what are people using to edit video. I'm really new at this, and have just been using Moviemaker (sucks) and Youtube editor(sucks a little less). Free is great, BTW.
Hopefully this doesn't derail us too badly, but what are people using to edit video. I'm really new at this, and have just been using Moviemaker (sucks) and Youtube editor(sucks a little less). Free is great, BTW.

Has a little more functionality. I made that picture in picture video with it, and I was surprised it came out so good.
Add this to the dry fire portion and I think you'll have it covered.

Avidemux is free and easy to use.

As much as I hate Microsoft, Expression Encoder 4 is the best free video editor out there. The free version limits you to 10 minutes per clip (not magazine) but you can still string them together. The program will also do screen capture video if you need it to.

There are far more splicing, format, and output options than I saw with either of those two free programs. And Microsoft still doesn't get a penny.
A couple from today, all based off of pat mac drills.

i can't figure out what i did to cause the malfunctions in these two vids, on the first one i believe i dropped the slide and dropped on an empty chamber, then i had a failure to eject, probably cause by me, i think my gloves ****ed up the slide movement somehow, idk, I'm so high on meth and pre-workout i can't really tell.

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on the first vide at :16, is there a reason why you are turning all the way up range and around instead of just turning to your gun side?

Watching it again I don't see any reason why, certainly not premeditated, probably just because I was focused on turning to the cone, I did it on both of the rifle runs I videoed on the same cone I believe.
That looks pretty tiring, damn good exercise for sure.

Keeping on target while using that much energy up is pretty impressive, nice work man.
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