NES Member
I have thought a lot about this. If this were a real SHTF scenario I would head out to sea. Unless you have a prepared place ready to go and IF you can get to it your fine. One problem during the trip and you are SOL. If you have a sailboat (must be over 40’ for intercontental travel) and the skills, you can go anywhere on the planet. No gas, electrical can be solar. Get a boat and a Class 3 license and something that fires in the .50 range (that could be mounted in a hurry) and you’re all set. Of course a Class 3 won’t count anywhere else so find a good place to hide it.
I know quite a few people who live on boats now. It’s not easy. Lack of sleep, crappy food and the ocean trying to kill you but people have spent months/years at sea fully provisioned. You could sail out in the middle of the night while the city is burning and come back 6 months (or years) later to see what is left.
Now unfortunately for me my wife doesn’t buy any of this so I’ll be heading to my parents place in Maine in my 99 Explorer.
Here is a nice example of something in the 40'-50' range.
I'll be headed to Maine also. We could car pool. I have a nice assortment of cranes, forklifts, and tractor trailers to choose from.