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what is the current equivalent of the CUCV?
I can't believe no one has brought this up already, but a tank is the ultimate vehicle I would want.
1. you can just roll on over about anything in your way, or go through buildings.
2. what you can't roll over, you just blow up to ruble, then roll over them.
Crappy on gas mileage, but when you point that cannon at people, they tend to give you what you want.
If that doesn't do the job, it's time to hang it up and let the zombies take you...M1s and other tanks slide around a lot on snow too (my brother said they were a blast to drive in snow).
This is probably more useful.
If that doesn't do the job, it's time to hang it up and let the zombies take you...
I'd probably do like the guy in Walking Dead, shoot out the tires by accident with an AK-47, lol.
Not sure that's possible with an MRAP, but I think the vehicle in Walking Dead was a regular truck.
It's been so long since I saw that episode I don't remember for sure, but wasn't that a deuce and a half?
Read this:http://www.pirate4x4.com/forum/expe...mah-deuce.html#/forumsite/21027/topics/955676
Not only it gets you from point A to B, when point B is compromised you can drive away and live in it.
I would pick something that doesn't scream " take my stuff", half joking but a honey wagon cleaned out, and modified might be the thing. Who would go after that lol
i like all the dream trucks out there but you need to figure that time is not a luxury we have. it you have an hour what do you take? i figure i would take my short mason dump because it is semi bullet resistant and has good capacity in the back for essentials, plus it has six wheel traction, lots of power and would have my eight foot diamond plow on the front for pushing crap. if i grab some insulated panels to sleep on and a waterproof tarp, it would go a long way in terms of survival.
Wifes '14 accent 340 miles to one 10 gallon tank, bring a 5gal fuel can and im good for 510miles put some run flats on the bitch.... When i get with in 100 miles of my destination, shoot someone and take there bis ass 4x4
Wifes '14 accent 340 miles to one 10 gallon tank, bring a 5gal fuel can and im good for 510miles put some run flats on the bitch.... When i get with in 100 miles of my destination, shoot someone and take there bis ass 4x4
Wifes '14 accent 340 miles to one 10 gallon tank, bring a 5gal fuel can and im good for 510miles put some run flats on the bitch.... When i get with in 100 miles of my destination, shoot someone and take there bis ass 4x4
Note to self: When SHTF shoot anyone with a 2014 accent in the face on sight.
That can be construed as a threat, and i welcome the challenge lol
Kickass vid
That was pretty awesome, but two major issues...
1 - No storage
2 - Moar muffler!
That's a sick course too
For real.