Some humor


NES Member
Feb 28, 2005
Western MA
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I was talking with my brother tonight. He was telling how much things from the military are still ingrained in us. Where he works they were having an IG Inspection. (oh yeah) Well he was walking down the hall and a full bird colonel walks in and the call everyone to attention. Well he has been out of the Air Force since '88, but he came to attention also. (He's a Boeing contractor now) He shook his head and couldn't believe he did that.
I told him wish someone had gotten picture. [laugh] [laugh] I was rolling when he told me that, but then I can also picture myself doing the same damn thing.
I also told him it's also loads of fun like when we went to Alan's graduation from basic and AIT, the DI's still make us cringe.[laugh]
Yes indeed.

A few years back I was down in DC on business, and went out to lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant in Fairfax with a few clients. One of the waiters, our age or a bit younger, was acting like a real asshat the whole time we were there. Just after we walked out the door, one of the guys looked back and spotted the waiter carrying a large tray of food. He turned, opened the door and yelled "Incoming!" at the top of his lungs. The waiter was in mid-air, a couple of feet from the cover of the bar, food and plates flying everywhere, when the light went on in his eyes and he knew that he'd been had. Xin Loi. [laugh]

When I was in basic back in '67, it was cold in NJ in February. So we had to bundle up real heavy for all outside activities.

After running, etc, it didn't take much time to work up a sweat, whereupon we then had to go directly to a large auditorium for some 'indoor training of some sort. This theater like building was large enough to hold the whole company.

We weren't allowed to remove any clothing when we got inside so we got even hotter and sweatier, and since we had just come in from some heavy exercise, we were all really pooped.

So as we were all sitting there trying to listen to whatever we were supposed to be listening to, many of us dozed off...not me, though.

About 1/2 way thru the lessons, the instructer noticed more people were asleep than awake.

He said, in a normal instructing voice, "Everyone who is awake right now will ignore the following command."

Then he screamed out "ATTENTION!"

I wasn't hard to tell who had been sleeping. We all (those who were awake anyway) got a good laugh !
"Xin loi" is Vietnamese that Maxwell Smart translated pretty well as "sorry about that". Of course, the way most of us used it, it carries a little less sincerity than "tough shit, Sherlock."

I was in a school down at Keesler MI, a few years ago. I was there for my 7 level shcool, but most of the classes were made up of kids just out of basic training. One of my classmates thought it was funny to walk into the break room (where the new students were still kind of shy about a bunch of semi-retarded NCOs milling about on break) and shout out "ROOM TEN? Hey is this room 10?" And watch all the kids jump up to attention.

It would have been funny if he hadn't gotten me, too.
Too funny Tuna. My brother couldn't believe he did it. Said he didn't even turn around to see if anyone had seen it.[laugh] Just left and shook his head.[laugh]
When I was in basic back in '67, it was cold in NJ in February. So we had to bundle up real heavy for all outside activities.

After running, etc, it didn't take much time to work up a sweat, whereupon we then had to go directly to a large auditorium for some 'indoor training of some sort. This theater like building was large enough to hold the whole company.

We weren't allowed to remove any clothing when we got inside so we got even hotter and sweatier, and since we had just come in from some heavy exercise, we were all really pooped.

So as we were all sitting there trying to listen to whatever we were supposed to be listening to, many of us dozed off...not me, though.

About 1/2 way thru the lessons, the instructer noticed more people were asleep than awake.

He said, in a normal instructing voice, "Everyone who is awake right now will ignore the following command."

Then he screamed out "ATTENTION!"

I wasn't hard to tell who had been sleeping. We all (those who were awake anyway) got a good laugh !

One of the things I discovered as a recruit, and confirmed as an instructor, is that long hours and heavy training causes a switch on your backside to become active. As soon as you sit down, you're asleep.
Have you guys seen this?

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