Southborough Rod and Gun Club

Sundays always has Trap and Skeet,starting at 1:00 - if the weather is nasty, we may close early, but we're there.

The 18th is the Annual Meeting, and you're welcome to attend. It'll be longer than the regular meetings, but you'll learn a lot about the club.

PM me if you want more info.
If you have time and are in the area, please take a moment to look at Hopkinton Sportmen's Association during you travels. You can find us at <>, just one turn from 495 South in Hopkinton. WiFi equipped for your covenience.
Bob Draper
Hi everybody. I stopped by the club recently and got a nice tour of the facilities. I'm definitely ready to join.

I stupidly neglected to ask my tour guide to sponsor me for membership. Would anybody here be willing to sign my application for me?
we're having trap and skeet every sunday 1-4...there will be people there.

Next weekend there's a benchrest rifle shoot in the AM as well.

check the Club's website under events - that will let you know when folks will be about.

Thanks for the tip. I stopped by around 2:30 and the trap range was pretty quiet. Luckily I found some people in the clubhouse, so I was able to get the signatures and drop off my app.
Glad you found some warm boddies....we were winding up the Trap around then.

"Trap shooters are rugged, not bright," (c) so while we did bust a few, it was a bit on the chilly side. And those who know me will tell you that I'm not one that's particularly sensitive to the cold! [laugh]
I'll be there, got my cash and an approved application. I'm Fram too. I read somewhere, you got to be there 1h before to pay the treasurer, otherwise you'll have to wait 'til April meeting[crying]
An hour before is half an hour early enough? I work in Cambridge. This might suck a little.

working in Cambridge sucks enough. [wink] No, I'm just kidding Jeff. I don't think that they would time you with a stop watch, plus I'm not a member yet, so I can't speak with any authority. They look like a bunch of reasonable guys, I'm sure they'd understand once you tell them that just came from Commiebridge [smile] See you there, tonight. It's good to know that I wont be alone singing the "initiation anthem". Make sure you memorize the lyrics though.
dinner is at 6:30 IIRC if you're hungry. You'll only need a few minutes to submit your app, I think I came ~15 minutes early to my first meeting. There is a short mini-meeting for newly accepted members after the regular meeting.

I'll be in a red hoodie if you guys want to say hello. SRGC is a good bunch of guys and reasonably low on the FUDD meter.
dinner is at 6:30 IIRC if you're hungry. You'll only need a few minutes to submit your app, I think I came ~15 minutes early to my first meeting. There is a short mini-meeting for newly accepted members after the regular meeting.

I'll be in a red hoodie if you guys want to say hello. SRGC is a good bunch of guys and reasonably low on the FUDD meter.

Phew! Thanks for the tip. I plan to be there by 7.
I'll be the Asian guy in a black sweater.
Yakuza is fine, the fancy tats are pretty cool.

The earlier that you can get there, the better, so that the paperwork can be dealt with. As soon as you get there, just let whomever know that you're there to join and pay, and you'll get pointed in the right direction.

The meeting starts at 7:30, and the Secretary is an integral part of the meeting, so he needs to get the membership paperwork done before.

Dinner is at 6:00; I heard through the grapevine that it's American Chop Suey ( nice riff on the Asian theme, maybe? [laugh] )

See ya tonight
Damn. Wish I had checked this thread a couple of days ago. I now remember seeing a couple of you there. I'm also new to SRG and forked over my $ on Tues. Look forward to meeting you guys.

Damn. Wish I had checked this thread a couple of days ago. I now remember seeing a couple of you there. I'm also new to SRG and forked over my $ on Tues. Look forward to meeting you guys.



If you're free Saturday night, that's when the Porketta is - there are still a few tix, if you're intersted, PM me. You'll get a good feed, and get to meet some members.
Had a great time at the club today. Shot a couple rds of trap. First time. Thanks to Jerry for the instruction and Mark for the demo Browning ( was either a Cynergy or Citori O/U I think). Dang looks like I have another expensive hobby. Met Jeff at the rifle range sighting in a rifle and warmed up my dmr. Bunch of great people.

I met some great people there today too, including Rey. Time just flew by and before I knew it I had spent two hours out there. Hopefully I will make it back more often as the weather becomes nicer.

Don't wait for the weather - Trap shooters are rugged, not bright! [laugh]

Glad you guys had a good time, special evnets will be posted on the Shotgun Comp. sub-forum.

We have a "105" shoot coming up, and the GOAL Cup Trap shoot will be there in April.

See you at the Top of the Hill!
Went to shoot Saturday and couldn't get in to the outdoor range. Got an email off to Larry and he said that my card was active, but they were having some kind of trouble with the electronic system. Thought I'd mention it in case anyone has a problem.
Checked with some of the Powers that Be: Apparently, there is either a hardware glitch in the access card system to the range, or it's afflictedby demons.

Either way, if your dues are paid up, it's likely not your card, per se

They're working on it.

PM me for more info about range use if it's a problem
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