SPAS-12 feeding issue

Dec 1, 2010
Boston, MA
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Hey everyone,

I recently got a mag extension for my SPAS 12. It's actually for an SAS-12 (the pump version), but it still threads on right. Im making spacers and working with springs to make it work with the hope of having it 9+1 capacity. A new issue has come up though that whenever i rack it either in pump or semi, the next round wont extract from the magazine tube and go into the feeding ramp.

I doubt this is a common experience since i can't find anything on the issue. I've tried the original spring and mag cap it came with, but the issue persists.
I checked that, but that doesn't seem to be it. The lip on the left side of the receiver doesn't seem to be giving way to let the round out. I have to push on it with a screwdriver to make it extract
I sold my Spas 20 yeas ago, but I think it may be the carrier latch is jammed. Was it working ok before you put the extension tube on?
I have a link for a schematic and parts list I can PM to you if necessary.
I don't know which part you're referring to when you say carrier latch, so haha yeah, schematics would be great. And it did work fine prior to me working on this new mag cap
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