Supreme Judicial Court rules possessing a switchblade knife is no longer a crime under the 2nd Amendment

I'm pretty sure that if what the law actually said had any weight you'd be right, in any practical sense it's clearly a typo where it should say "subsection", and the courts will apply it that way.

Otherwise, having an LTC would entitle you to have a machine gun or sawed off shotgun.
It should think about it if a license was required at all it kills me. I have to pay for my machine gun license and my LTC because you can’t possess the machine gun without the machine gun license and you can’t possess him without an LTC.

I basically getting double taxed
So how does this actually work...judge says ok and one of us will need to get arrested or have one confiscated to have the ruling be more widespread? How is everyone actually supposed to find out about new laws/ rulings unless they are chasing this stuff down?
Cops will get an 8 hour legal update class sometime this winter and this decision will get 2 minutes.

There may be an email that goes out immediately also, but those are rare.

For Joe Citizen, they need to read the article in Pravda I guess.
Cops will get an 8 hour legal update class sometime this winter and this decision will get 2 minutes.

There may be an email that goes out immediately also, but those are rare.

For Joe Citizen, they need to read the article in Pravda I guess.

To be fair, I bet most Joe Citizens had no idea whether switchblades were legal before this ruling, either. I bet 99.9% of the people living in the Commonwealth spend about zero minutes each year thinking about switchblades, other than remembering those cool-kid combs from the '80s.
so we can finally carry swords again? is "the police" aware of this yet? :)
Acktchualllly…. You legally can carry a sword unless the law has changed since last I checked. So long as it’s not double edged, there are no limits on blade length under MGL but some towns have ordinances against it.

I used to see some weirdo carrying a katana around Ayer. I asked one of the town cops about him and he said the kid was just weird but harmless. In other words, nobody really cared.
I like that I’ve had a couple buck knives over years there a workhorse, but she gets broken. My worst one I ran over.

I’m gonna look into that right now
It's built like all Bucks w /warranty solid and sharp. Definitely utilitarian unlike the Italian Stilettos I have.
Its Ironic that last week a Federal District Judge in the 9th Circus found that Switchblades are NOT protected by the 2nd Ammendment. [rofl]

Before the Court are competing Motions for Summary Judgment. Plaintiffschallenge the constitutionality of California Penal Code §§ 17235, 21510, and 21590.ECF No. 34-1. Defendants argue that Plaintiffs’second amendment challenge fails underthe current landscape of the second amendment jurisprudence. ECF No. 33-1. Havingconsidered the parties’ submissions, oral argument, and the governing law, the CourtDENIES Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary Judgment and GRANTS the Defendants’Motion for Summary Judgment for the reasons stated below.
F*ck!ng Clown🤡
Be honest. Anybody here ever follow massachusetts laws regarding knives?
Yup, me. I about had a cow when I bought a cap-n-ball revolver on GB and the seller included an old-school, pearl handled switchblade as a gift. Not a knife guy so I'd presumed anything scarier than a slingshot was probably illegal in MA. I guess I can go dig it up now.
Yup, me. I about had a cow when I bought a cap-n-ball revolver on GB and the seller included an old-school, pearl handled switchblade as a gift. Not a knife guy so I'd presumed anything scarier than a slingshot was probably illegal in MA. I guess I can go dig it up now.
All those scary weapons listed in MGL Ch 269 Sec 10(b) have always been legal to have in your home, the prohibition is on carrying them and having them in your vehicle.
I just bought a shitty knife… wish I had waited because it’s so “gangster“ I prefer not to be seen in public with it something about it caught my eye, but it didn’t function the way I thought it would, but I just needed a blade it also doesn’t have a lanyard attachment, which is crucial otherwise you lose shit
Nice to see Simkin (assuming it is THE Simkin) getting into the fray:"

08/19/2024#15Amicus brief filed by Jay Edward Simkin.
08/19/2024The clerk's office has received the amicus brief through e-fileMA. The brief has been accepted for filing and entered on the docket. The amicus curiae Jay Edward Simkin shall file with the clerk 4 copies of the brief within 5 days. The clerk's office may require additional copies if necessary. (NOTE: The cover of the brief shall be green.)
Its Ironic that last week a Federal District Judge in the 9th Circus found that Switchblades are NOT protected by the 2nd Ammendment. [rofl]

F*ck!ng Clown🤡

IMO, the judge arguably was correct in denying the Plaintiffs’ motion for summary judgement because whether switchblades are in “common use for self defense” is a genuine issue of material fact. They incorrectly granted the Defendants’ motion for the same reason.
What would you recommend? My Benchmade OTF misfires about 10% of the time.
If you're talking about OTF autos, Kershaw Livewire has the best action I've ever tried in an OTF. Has not failed on me once. Can be had for ~$150. Microtech (Ultratech, Scarab, Troodon), and Heretic (Manticore or Colossus) both make excellent knives that are very dependable. (There is video out there of an Ultratech being hammered through a 2x4, for example. Mine has never misfired even once) Guardian Tactical (035) also makes an excellent OTF auto. Bang for buck, I would recommend a Heretic Colossus. Its basically the same thing as the knife I think is Microtechs' best OTF, Scarab II, except its a couple hundred bucks less. Heretic is an excellent company (run by the son of the guy behind Microtech) and they really stand behind their stuff.

As someone said, they make great fidget devices. I admire the engineering and tooling that go into them, but I only carry fixed blades.... Either way, YAY for this decision!! Cannot believe that a MA court actually stood up for our 2nd amendment rights. I hope this is a sign of things to come!
Knife laws in blue states are equally as dumb, if not worse, as their gun laws largely because they outright ban carrying blades of certain length and in some states there's no legal way to be licensed.

RI's is the dumbest, 3 inch blade and if it's longer than that and it's in a pocket if someone is searched it's an offense? Tyranny...
Yup, me. I about had a cow when I bought a cap-n-ball revolver on GB and the seller included an old-school, pearl handled switchblade as a gift. Not a knife guy so I'd presumed anything scarier than a slingshot was probably illegal in MA. I guess I can go dig it up now.
It's never been illegal to own an auto in mass. It's that whole possession in public thing that was the problem. There's also dumb laws that banned sale etc. But simply having one in your house? Not a chance. I've had an OTF sitting on my desk for years. I use it to cut the seal off bottles of Woodford reserve.... 🤣
Be honest. Anybody here ever follow massachusetts laws regarding knives?
I try to follow the state knife laws, as best as I understand them. I don’t carry my Delica Waves anymore. I don’t own any automatics or assisted opening knives. I don’t own any double edged knives.

Yes, I think the knife laws are remarkably stupid. But I typically walk around with a knife clipped to my pocket, so the clip is visible to a cop looking to fill his quota protect the public. I think the chance of getting jammed up by a cop is remote, but they have happened, as shown in this case. Why give a cop a reason to arrest you when there are plenty of good knives that won’t allow a cop to make an arrest that will stick? If you get into a situation where it is a he said / she said situation and the cop isn’t sure that the charge he really wants to arrest you for will stick, he just might look for a lesser charge that he is sure will stick, even if it isn’t as severe as what he really wants to arrest for.

I understand that more than a few people will disagree with me, and that’s OK. Different folks have different tolerance of risk.
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