Take a deep breath before reading

Did anyone else hear this goof on the radio today? It was the usual lib anti gun garbage. The host went along with it as if it were gospel, instead of countering his (non)points & asking questions... I think I'll fire off another letter to him from a woman's perspective.
Welcome, and nice to meet you. It'll be nice to have another woman around. [lol]SR, It was also in my favor when I was in the service. [lol]
MrsWildweasel said:
Welcome, and nice to meet you. It'll be nice to have another woman around. [lol]SR, It was also in my favor when I was in the service. [lol]

Yeah, it is nice sometimes....I'm the only female in my company of 50.
K-Dub, welcome back!

Folks, there are more than 4 ladies on this forum, most aren't as active as MrsWW, Lynne (NOBODY can keep up with her! [wink] ) and SR. But we hope that all of the women will be more active here and that even more will join us.

K-Dub, please read some shockingly good news on my Wife's interest in shooting. :D http://northeastshooters.com/viewtopic.php?t=2840
In fact, Deena and I shot the three new guns today at Braintree. I really don't think that any of us become a bigger threat to society, but we do enjoy our toys! :D
[lol] [lol] [lol] But you know what's funny- in his avatar it makes him look like a big guy but I'd be hard pressed to say if he has evenn an ounce of excess body fat on him... His beard truly is weird.
I too sent an email on this

Here is the text of that letter:


I understand that it is your job to sell newspapers. Stop and think about what your reporting is doing to the rights of the law-abiding general public. Instead of going after the tool of violence, why not go after the implement, bad people, and advocate enforcement of the existing laws that make it illegal to obtain a gun if you are not qualified to own one. I am very disapointed that you advocate banning anything just because there is not enough police or safety personel to enforce the existing laws. You can make it illegal all you want, but bad people will still break the law when and if they can.

Honestly Steve, if I thought for one second that making guns illegal in the US would make me safer, I would give mine up in a heart-beat. But you and I both know that banning guns that we don't see a use for is not the answer!

Why not, as a society, solve the root problem to this dilema. Bad People do bad things to law-abiding citizens; not the gun itself. It is already illegal for him to own the gun. The gun is just a tool for the bad person to use in the commission of his bad act. The baseball bat is a tool for a baseball player, but can be a deadly weapon in the hands of a bad person! How about outlawing baseball bats while we are at it? What about any instrument with a handle longer than 4 inches, shovels, hoes, picks, axes, outlaw them too? Without the bad person, the gun is just a tool like a baseball bat is to a baseball player. Put that bat in the hands of a bad person and you have just as deadly a weapon as any gun.

Are you beginning to see that it is not the tool, but the bad person we need to get off the streets? Go forth with this message and you will have everyone, except the bad poeple of course, standing united to make this country a much safer and better place to live.

There is a Civilian Marksmanship Program, run by the federal government, that holds competitive matches that use military rifles for target and sport. There are also private organizations that hold similar matches for sport. While you may not see the need, your opinion and mine are different on this subject. The need is not on any particular gun, baseball bat or shovel, it is on my personal right to choose. Haven't we as a society lost enough rights of personal choice? Try driving your car without a seatbelt. While I will agree that this does save lives and I personally wear mine all of the time, I do not think there should be a law requiring seatbelt use. It should be my choice to do so or not, and I will suffer the consequences of my actions because of that choice.

Go after the BAD PERSON, not his weapon of choice. That is the solution to this problem!

I hope you took the time to read this. If so, I applaud your ability to review a differing opinion.

Dennis Alsip
SiameseRat said:
[lol] [lol] [lol] But you know what's funny- in his avatar it makes him look like a big guy but I'd be hard pressed to say if he has evenn an ounce of excess body fat on him... His beard truly is weird.

Woahhhh Bullshit Alert! 8) hhehehe I still have my Weer'd Belly! I do what I can to keep fit, but I ain't Marky-Mark [lol]

Yeah but my Avi does seem to add a few inches and a few pounds to me.

Frankly I kinda like it!


-Weer'd Beard
MrsWildweasel said:
Yeah, and after meeting you you don't quite look like your avatar. [lol] [wink]

Yea, you think? But he's pretty cool, and fun to talk with...so it's OK. :D

I was still rolling from Lynne with the marine biology jokes....

Does he find a fish and say Hoo-rah!! Or wear camo lab jackets?

It was pretty funny.
C-pher said:
MrsWildweasel said:
Yeah, and after meeting you you don't quite look like your avatar. [lol] [wink]

Yea, you think? But he's pretty cool, and fun to talk with...so it's OK. :D

I was still rolling from Lynne with the marine biology jokes....

Does he find a fish and say Hoo-rah!! Or wear camo lab jackets?

It was pretty funny.

I think we missed some interesting stuff at the other end of the table?

I have a great picture of Mother Mod looking shocked! [lol]
C-pher said:
MrsWildweasel said:
Yeah, and after meeting you you don't quite look like your avatar. [lol] [wink]

Yea, you think? But he's pretty cool, and fun to talk with...so it's OK. :D

I was still rolling from Lynne with the marine biology jokes....

Does he find a fish and say Hoo-rah!! Or wear camo lab jackets?

It was pretty funny.

I can't take credit for that - Ed was the one who asked me those questions. [lol]
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