This match is dedicated to the memory of Leo Dennen (1927-1998), Club member, range officer, and all around supporter of the Taunton Rifle & Pistol Club. Leo shot in every rifle, pistol, military, or black powder match held by this club during his membership. Additionally, Leo attended evey work party needed, right up until his death. His presence is missed but surely not forgotten - Dave Levesque
WHEN: Tuesday November 11th, 10AM to 2PM rain or shine
WHERE: Taunton Rifle & Pistol Club outdoor range in Raynham MA
COURSE OF FIRE: 20 shots total, fired standing, offhand, on two targets
TARGETS: This is a 100 yard match using 100 yard military bullseye targets with 6" black centers.
EQUIPMENT: any USA or foreign military rifle with original barrel, stock, and issue type iron sights. Also, commercial military sporter rifles like AR-15, AK-47, mini 14, SKS, HK-91/93, FAL, CETME may be used but no target or match grade rifles allowed.
NOT ALLOWED: No match, NM or target grade rifles allowed
No optical sights (scopes, red dots, laser sights, etc)
No spotting scopes or others spotting for you
No slings allowed in use
SAFETY: All general safety and club rules apply. Eye and ear protection mandatory. Range safe chamber flags to be used when carrying firearms on / off the shooting line. Yes, they are avialable from the club if you don't have any. Club range safety officers have control fo the range at all times.
ENTRY FEE: $5 per rifle. You may only fire one match per rifle. Your highest score fired will count for match score.
PRIZE: The first and secon dplace winners will have their names engraved on the Leo Dennen Memorial plaque in the clubhouse. All range fees will be donated to local veteran's group.