Taunton Rifle and Pistol Club

Hello. I recently got my LTC class A over the summer. I am a senior at Bridgewater State. I am from Falmouth but there are no gun ranges around there that i can join so i am very interested in joining this range. Its a hike from falmouth but i love shooting so its totally worth it for me. The application requires me to have a sponsor so if anyone would like to sponsor me please let me know. Reply if you would like to know more about me before agreeing. I can see how randomly sponsoring someone you dont know might be weird but im sure we can work around that. Thank you!

well, we're gonna need some pics of your girlfriend..sister...jk, i don't think you actually need a sponsor, just get that paperwork in, [rofl]
Hello. I recently got my LTC class A over the summer. I am a senior at Bridgewater State. I am from Falmouth but there are no gun ranges around there that i can join so i am very interested in joining this range. Its a hike from falmouth but i love shooting so its totally worth it for me. The application requires me to have a sponsor so if anyone would like to sponsor me please let me know. Reply if you would like to know more about me before agreeing. I can see how randomly sponsoring someone you dont know might be weird but im sure we can work around that. Thank you!

Hi Jordan, no sponsor required to join our club, if you want to know more send me a pm. Also congrats on graduating, I'm a BSC alumni as well.
^^^ Listen to this guy. He sits on the executive board of the club.

For the sake of full disclosure, the club only accepts 50 applications per month. If you applied tomorrow, your application would be read before the January meeting - so please have patience.

Once you mail in or drop off your application, you will receive notification via post card that your app was received.
CFER - if you're the Chris F who shot yesterday, you won. If you're not that person, Chris F. still scored the highest and will be added to the Leo Dennen memorial plaque at the indoor range.

The indoor ranges will be closed Monday, February 26 with an expected re-opening of March 1.

During this time, the facility will be thoroughly cleaned.

The outdoor range will not be impacted.
Hey guys
For the application, the 25 dollar non refundable payment is that cash or check? if check, who are we writing it to?

Cash, check, or money orders are acceptable. Please make out to "TRPC" or "Taunton Rifle and Pistol Club".

Either mail to 430 E. Britannia St, Taunton MA 02780, or drop it in the black mailbox in front of the club.
There is a work party scheduled for Monday morning. We will replace several components of the East [main] range backstop.

Many hands make light work - if you are available, please show up and help keep the club in good working order.

The main indoor range will be closed Monday until early afternoon for maintenance.
Hi all.

Quick, informal notice.
The TRPC 'lazy fat guys' steel plate shoots will resume on the third Sunday of June, the 17th.

YES, this is Father's Day.

Match rules will be posted at the shoot. Match rules will be posted by 9 AM tomorrow, when I edit this post to insert a link. Match rules will follow the previously posted rules - in brief, center fire pistols, 6 rounds in magazine to be revolver neutral, no hot reloads. $1 per entry. Call outs are welcome and encouraged.
Are they still only applying the bylaws selectively or to the whole membership?
Just wondering if the status quo has changed.

Are they still kicking members out who joined, and were in good standing but never set foot on the premises?
They have such a great way of doing things there!
Quick reminder -

Indoor bowling pin shoot tonight, west range. Generally done with a .22 pistol or rifle, but range legal centerfire pistols are permitted. $1 entry for two tables of ten pins. Compete for your best time and have fun.

Steel plate match Sunday, narrow 100 yard range. Setup starts at 9, first shots at 10. $1 entry fee, match rules:

Eye & ear protection required for all in match area

NO LOADED FIREARMS until on the line

Range officer will give range commands and be the judge of the match

This will be exclusively 'shooter vs. shooter' - no brackets. This enables everyone to shoot more.

$1 entry fee

Course of fire: Shooter will load 6 rounds on command and reload as necessary

After the command of “shooters ready” a horn will sound

From low ready engage all plates - STOP plate must be shot last

Reloads are permitted but no more than 6 rounds in a gun at any time

On range officer’s command, shooters will show clear

Qualifications: Centerfire handguns only - any safe handgun allowed

Any safe ammo allowed - any sights allowed - holsters allowed, not required

Shooters on relay are encouraged to help relay run quickly by picking brass, etc

All piano tuners will have 6 plates

The first few hundred dues invoices and news letters are in the mail. You should reasonably expect to see your dues notice in the next ten business days.

Dues are still not due until December 31. Included in the mailing is a notice of proposed bylaw changes to be voted on at the October meeting.

As it is Thursday, indoor bowling pin match tonight in the West range, starting at 6 PM.
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