First I want to make an observation. A lot of the confusion looks to me to be from people trying to interpret the new law in the best light for their specific circumstances. They have a personal interest and that equals a bias. I'm not entirely immune to this but as a NH resident who owns nothing that falls in the grey areas (it either is or it isn't), I at least have no personal risk. I am still involved in the fight because while I escaped the PRMA, it is still my home state and I don't want the cancer to spread.If Im understanding this right, 8/1 is the new "pre-ban" date for firearms. '94 is still the pre-ban date for mags. Pre-Healy doesnt and didnt mean shit.
@headednorth with all due respect, I believe you are incorrect. As are those that said they could now alter their pre 8/1.
The text of the law:
1529 (b) Subsection (a) shall not apply to an assault-style firearm lawfully possessed within the
1530 commonwealth on August 1, 2024, by an owner in possession of a license to carry issued under
So what was a lawfully possessed ASW before the 8/1 law became affective?
If it's pre-94 or on appendix-A then there are no further requirements. Otherwise;
It can exceed the evil features as was required prior to 8/1.
The stock would have to be pinned.
The muzzle device welded.
This weapon, as it was lawfully possessed before 8/1 would still be lawful to posses.
This mean with the pinned stock and other limited evil features.
If you alter it before 8/1 then it was not lawfully possessed on 8/1.
If you alter it on or after 8/1 then it is not as it was lawfully possessed before 8/1.
I'm not telling anyone what to do, or not do. Or saying what they will or won't prosecute. Just that if someone does find them selves in court over this, I won't be betting you walk away.
Remember, the judge will instruct the jury on what the law means.