THE NEW LOOK MEGA THREAD - all comments about the new version go here !

For a little while, I was unable to stay logged in, at least according to the root forum page. Going into one of the forum sections appears to have fixed that, in case any one else runs into that. I am running Firefox 3.5.6 on Windows.

I had the same problem. I ended up clearing out all my cookies and restarted firefox. everything seems good now.
I'm scared...

As scared as I get every time I see your avatar pointing at me?

YES!!!! Sitting here for an hour pressing refresh FINALLY paid off!!!!!!!!!!!

I just finished sending a pm and all of the sudden it stopped working. At first I though it was my computer, then I tried my cell phone and it still didn't work. I checked every couple of minutes until it worked.

Work sux w/o NES
I suppose it isn't the end of the world, but the ads in the page header can't seem to decide where to live. Right now they're above the NES banner to the left. Sometimes to the right, colocated with the 'profile/settings/logout' text or sometimes below that. That last looks fine...
I don't like it. I think the new layout on lists of posts is way too busy and hard to read. I liked it much better when the OP and forum were separate columns instead of mixed in with the titles. I saw Derek mention elsewhere that he was working on making the theme selectable. I look forward to that.
Are we keeping this new look, or is it just temporary?

In the other thread Derek said he will soon have things "back to normal".. I hope that means back to the GOOD color scheme. lol
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