THE NEW LOOK MEGA THREAD - all comments about the new version go here !

I don't like it. I think the new layout on lists of posts is way too busy and hard to read. I liked it much better when the OP and forum were separate columns instead of mixed in with the titles. I saw Derek mention elsewhere that he was working on making the theme selectable. I look forward to that.

Are we keeping this new look, or is it just temporary?

In the other thread Derek said he will soon have things "back to normal".. I hope that means back to the GOOD color scheme. lol

I'm not a huge fan, the old look was easier on the eyes. I like the layout, it's the colors that are killing me, hopefully Derek will change them back to the old colors.
The "Softer, Friendlier look" doesn't do much for me. Some of the features are better and I love the larger Quick Reply box. But the oversize icons and the soft pastel colors don't thrill me.

Overall, nice upgrade. Maybe a little work on the color scheme and icon size and I'd be 100% thrilled.
Well, I'm not totally crazy about it. Mainly, the text is washed out and lacks contrast. This makes it harder for us "old timers" to see it as well. Just my opinion..........
I hope there are just migration or browser compatibility issues going on for me... Because the new Forum looks VERY glitchy... Is anyone else getting this?

I too miss the old color scheme and contrasting window colors. It make everything every easy to decipher and read. And I'm a young buck with half decent eyes...
Thanks for putting up with all of our panic enduced resistance to change posts Derek. I feel like you know what you're doing and I for one will try to take a wait and see attitude. Thanks for the new toy :)
Just slightly.

My first feeling about the change.

Did something change?
i lost all my positive feedbaks :(. I guess new year new look.. Sometime i like the old stuff better than new.

All the iTrader data is still in the database. I am waiting for the modification to become v4 compatible. When it does I will re-active the iTrader feature.
I was wondering where the Itrader feedback page is located now? Also, will it show my previous feedback?


Edit - Derek answered right before I posted
Being an old fart, I have trouble with change. Can someone tell me what the blue or orange envelopes on the left mean? I don't get it!
I'm not fond of the "bubbliness" of the new look. And I can't seem to log in via Firefox.

If you haven't cleared your cookies yet, try that. It worked for me.

On another note, is the search feature being tweaked at all? I'm having a lot of trouble getting any search results. I even typed in "firearm" and got only 8 hits.
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