The Price Gouging/Everything Shortage Megathread

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Yup tell me about it..should be the other way around. give be all your M14 magazines for one 30 round AR bad do you want it [laugh]

Genuine M14 USGI mags (not SA or CMI) were going for around $35-$45 per mag before all the insanity started, I'm talking about the OM, BRW, KMT, etc ones. I'm well stocked so I don't know what they are going for now.

I spotted a thread on another forum and he was selling 2 M14 mags for $210.00 + shipping!!!

I almost shit out an oak stump
Trying to ID real USGI pre ban mags can be a chore. Not always easy to get the seller to give you all the pictures needed to ID. I wouldn't have believed it before I got my M1A and really started looking into it, but fake prebans are abundant out there for sale, whether GB, m14forum or otherwise. I have paid in the $35-40 range recently for ID'd prebans, but even they are not immune to FR and prices have been sliding up to and over the $50 range. $100 is in fact, FR. What's the bet they are fakes at that price?
Trying to ID real USGI pre ban mags can be a chore. Not always easy to get the seller to give you all the pictures needed to ID. I wouldn't have believed it before I got my M1A and really started looking into it, but fake prebans are abundant out there for sale, whether GB, m14forum or otherwise. I have paid in the $35-40 range recently for ID'd prebans, but even they are not immune to FR and prices have been sliding up to and over the $50 range. $100 is in fact, FR. What's the bet they are fakes at that price?

whats even worse is you get a GI mag body with a shit aftermarket spring and the thing won't hold 20 rounds.

- - - Updated - - -

Still not quite up to the level of Valmet M76 .223 mags, though. Before this craziness, they were going for around $150 a piece, if you could find one.

Wonder what genuine preban AUG mags are going for now, they were rediculous before.
Wonder what genuine preban AUG mags are going for now, they were ridiculous before.
I've often traded my old AUG magazines for new on a 1-for-1 basis to folk in MA. But it can be tough to tell pre/post ban apart.

Brand new magazines have been about $35/each for the last five years or so. If I have any "pre-ban" US-Made Steyr Aug magazines left, I'll gladly exchange them for brand new US-made; specifically, magazines with the 10 digit model number (no dots in the number, no letters).
I've often traded my old AUG magazines for new on a 1-for-1 basis to folk in MA. But it can be tough to tell pre/post ban apart.

Brand new magazines have been about $35/each for the last five years or so. If I have any "pre-ban" US-Made Steyr Aug magazines left, I'll gladly exchange them for brand new US-made; specifically, magazines with the 10 digit model number (no dots in the number, no letters).

Straight from the sales manager of Steyr Mannlicher in Austria:
On the AUG magazines you can find an alphanumeric code, which consist of
a letter ( A,B, C,D, ....) and numbers (1, 2, 3, 4,....).

The letter is for the year, in which A is for 1983, B is for 1984 and so on.
The number is for the month i.e. 1 is January, 2 is February....

I hope you find this useful.

Freundliche Grüße / Best Regards / Saludos / Saudações

Oliver Bauer
Sales Manager

There are thousands more preban AUG mags out there than postban mags.
Finding postban mags is more difficult than finding preban AUG mags.
AUG mags have been imported in the multiple hundreds of thousands if not millions over the last 30 or so years...
I need the money.

does it REALLY come with an actual CARDBOARD BOX ???
So, atilla is not the blonde in the picture?

haha nope. that's a lady, or depending on what picture the lady. atilla's lady (just like i'm her mannnn).

but depending on what is for sale, i mean this butt virginity thing is up in the air, i mean i'm not gonna get cornholed over pmags, but maybe an uzi.
I enjoy the fact of people wanting to sell their $900 AR for $2500, but still want the buyer to pay the $25 transfer fee.[rofl] Only in 'Murica.
These are the people running out and paying $1500-2000 bucks for Tier 4 garbage... this is how they grew up at least.... [rofl]

The only reason the rifles sell for that kinda money is because someone is stupid or insane enough to pay that. [laugh]

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All I want is a little MP15-22, sold out locally too, FS shows they have 50 or so but I hate to drive two hours to wait in line for 4 hours.

Hopefully when the shelves are empty, customers gone and smoke cleared there will still be some 22lr's left for us Newbs.

edit: oh hey, look at that, somebody turned me green. [smile]
I cruised by a shop close to where I work. The place I used to frequent has closed, so I went to a place that I refuse to give money to just to see how they looked on the day after Christmas.

Holy cow! The handgun cases were stripped bare - only a few rusty revolvers and some para crap. The walls were devoid of anything semiauto - even lever guns were gone. There were plenty of bird guns there. A box labeled "AK MAGS" had a half dozen beat up 10 rounders. Out of curiosity I asked for prices on some .45ACP JHP (185 and 230). $34.99. Yikes!

Glad to see that the place hasn't changed in the 5 years or so since I last set foot in there. It's still dirty and smells like an ashtray and the "help" act like they're doing you a huge favor by allowing you in their presence. They must figure they're sold out of their stock so they don't need my biz. Same as before. You guys in cmass know the place.
Guns and Gear in Agawam has a Pre-ban Colt Sporter for $2000 if anyone is looking. Looked like it was in good shape.
These are the people running out and paying $1500-2000 bucks for Tier 4 garbage... this is how they grew up at least.... [rofl]

The only reason the rifles sell for that kinda money is because someone is stupid or insane enough to pay that. [laugh]



The old timers tell me the same story from 1986 when the machine gun ban took effect. "People are crazy to pay $600 for a Mac 10!" Etc. They all wish they had bought tons of them back then.
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The old timers tell me the same story from 1986 when the machine gun ban took effect. "People are crazy to pay $600 for a Mac 10!" Etc. They all wish they had bought tons of them back then.

Yup. Now you can get an MP5 for a measly $25k.

The old timers tell me the same story from 1986 when the machine gun ban took effect. "People are crazy to pay $600 for a Mac 10!" Etc. They all wish they had bought tons of them back then.

It's still dumb, even if a ban came to pass somehow (which is doubtful, particularly with mid term elections ahead) the prices are still gonna recede somewhat. Right now what you're witnessing is full on retard buying/pricing. This isn't "Well, the supply is actually finite, so the going rate is around this".

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