We need to focus on legislation that actually has a chance at getting enacted. This is just grandstanding and doesn’t help at all. The only way nationwide Constitutional carry would be implemented is if SCOTUS rules that carry permits are unconstitutional.
I would much rather our effort goes into pushing national reciprocity.
well, something better start happening in congress as at least some of those critters got the wind of how much most people hate them, for complete absence of any action or progress.
well, something better start happening in congress as at least some of those critters got the wind of how much most people hate them, for complete absence of any action or progress.
Gun rights are a political land mine. There are more pressing matters for politicians, like, getting re-elected, there are those who come from deep red state, where 2A is a solid asset to their campaign. And then, there are those republicans who will betray their principles to get where they want to go. Look no further than Mitch and Mitt.