Top three gun forums

I belong to a few but this is the only place I go to daily...the rest I go to when someone points out something interesting from a thread here.


The High Road

And for the mis-congeniality award...

The Brady Campaign.

In my defense, you didn't state pro or anti-gun forum... besides, its prudent to keep tabs on what the other side is thinking, and more often than not they're usually good for a laugh or two.[wink]
The Firing Line
The High Road (the old one - .org)
S&W Forum - less so since the change in ownership

NES is home, the others are nice places to visit
1)FAL Files
2) Uzi Talk
3) NES

FAL Files is my main hangout, with a membership of over 50,000 worldwide, there is always something happening there and if I ever have a question, I can get a quick straight answer.
Uzi Talk is has fewer members but is still worldwide and the people on there are very knowledgable about all types of weapons.
NES-I do visit, but the membership base is smaller and the action here is slower. Also NES is more regional and tends to be lots of Mass Centric questions (I'm in NH) and lots of new shooters. I love to be able to help the new shooters and I'm a former Mass resident, so these things still resonate with me, but FAL Files is still my home

NES - Found the gem on and Stayed - Great source for technical and training info and some great AAR on training vlasses
BCM - just to drool and window shop. Also to see what Paul is cooking up.

Past coiple days looking over kyle defoors blog to just learn a few things.
NES, NES, and NES. I joined HKPro about 6 months ago, but I've only logged in there 3 times, and 2 of them were only to see if their HK-logo-made-out-of-guns shirt was in stock yet.
NES ---1 Shooters Forum ---2 Guns andd Game--------------3 NES seems to be more user friendly of the lot
NES, then it varies on what I'm looking for info on or wanting to buy. Usually forums like Gunboards, Saiga12, SKSboards, and Parallax Bill's.
NES - 40%
GunBoards - 20%
Surplusrifle - 20%
Falfiles - 10%
Glocktalk, Sigforum, Rimfirecentral, CMP, Parallaxbill and others - 10%

Of course, this doesn't include the hours hanging around the auction sites.....

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