"Towel Heads"

Although I have met a handful of forum members personally, I have no idea (nor do I care) what color, race, religion, sexual preference anyone on this forum or any other forum is!

ALL JOKES can be interpreted as insulting to someone. One of my favorite comedians was Don Rickles (who I got to see in person once), the master of insulting all races, creeds, religions, etc. . . . Don was an "equal opportunity offender" in his hey-day.

Sadly, I found the joke both funny and all too true. Remember when Saddam Hussein was paying the families of terrorist $25K per terrorist! That was the only way the poor people in Iraq could live well, by sacrificing their children. In that vein, this joke hit close to reality.

BTW, maybe it is just me, but I do NOT look at Muslims as a race or a color. I look at Muslims as a group of people who believe in one religion, and I do NOT believe that all Muslims are terrorist or hate all Americans. Maybe I'm warped?
No Len you are not warped. I totally believe in the until you prove to me you're a jerk,I don't care what race,religion,what ever you are. I also know not all muslims are bad,just the ones trying to kill us. There is good and bad in every race/religion.
Personally, I'm glad that Muslims from England and the US are FINALLY coming out with fatwahs saying that suicide bombings are a sin. Just wish they'd done it much sooner.

But I don't think that the delay was from malice... more from fear, I suspect. Fear of their own co-religionists. And now they see the tide of anti-muslim sentiment building and are acting to distance themselves. Like I said, I wish they'd done it sooner.

To put their reticence to speak out into some perspective, I've got some Palestinian friends, not here in this particular case, but in the West Bank. When I was over there talking with them the last time, they pointed something out. For at least the past 50 years, any time any Palestinian has made any sort of public statement against these lunatics, that person and his family have gone right past everybody else to the top of the hit list. Doesn't matter whether the "traitor" is in an Israel, and Islamic country, Europe of the US. And regardless of where the individual is, almost all of them have family in the West Bank, Lebanon, Jordan or some other easy target location. If you remember, the IRA were really quick to blow away any Northern Irish Catholics who took the slightest exception to their actions.

Hmmm...white boys club....well...last time my husband checked, I certainly was not a male (although I do play one on the weekends occaisionally as Ross can attest to).

And I hope he finds a forum that appeals to him...probably one that bashes conservatives. Although I find it hard to believe that if he's able to find one that suits his tastes that there won't be any foul language, especially when their bashing conservatives. [roll]
It's been my experience that Conservatives bashing Liberals are FAR more polite than Liberals bashing Conservatives. More MATURE as well.

I guess the individual in question didn't like the terms "Rag Heads" or "Towel Heads". Probably wouldn't like "Camel Jockies" either. I got that one from a GOOD friend of mine of Lebanese descent, a fellow Guardsman, and he was referring to HIMSELF.

Funny thing is, my son makes cracks about Iraqi's. Remember the Santa Claus picture, with the kids and adults. Yup, you guessed it, same person that makes cracks about SOME of the Iraqi's.

LHONDA, if you read this, pay more attention to people's deeds, than their words. Especially when you're judging people you don't actually know yet.

Some of us have done FAR MORE for the Iraqi's and others in the Middle East, than the best of the Bleeding Heart Liberals that IMNSHO are nothing more than gutless cowards (and cheap ones at that). I alone have more sent stuff overseas for the kids over there, than the people that are oh so Politically Correct. And I know full well that I'm not the only person here that has sent stuff.
Nickle said:
Some of us have done FAR MORE for the Iraqi's and others in the Middle East, than the best of the Bleeding Heart Liberals that IMNSHO are nothing more than gutless cowards (and cheap ones at that). I alone have more sent stuff overseas for the kids over there, than the people that are oh so Politically Correct. And I know full well that I'm not the only person here that has sent stuff.

Here, here.
Sorry for the rant, but it just irks me to no end to see some people that just don't have a clue what's really going on there. They just watch the big media, and NEVER read between the lines. If they'd just do something for the troops themselves, and communicate with just a few of them, they'd think completely different.

On a side note, I would think the BIG rationale for the fatawah's in the UK was the Muslims that put the Fatawahs out finally realized they were Brits first and Muslims second. The perpatrators of the bombings couldn't have picked a worse country than England for their actions. They're far more Patriotic than the Americans, French or Germans. And for your proof, the IRA has essentially stood down. I would figure the bombers won't be able to find sanctuary in Ireland or Northern Ireland. Even the IRA has some civility. (And I can say that without being a BIGOT, seince I'm 25% Irish, and that would be green, not orange.)
Mod hat on:

Ok folks we've had our say on this. Let's move on and let it rest.

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