trying to get my Class A but I am stuck

Seriously, how many people have known their doctor for 10 years? 10 years ago my doctor what whatever Navy doc I happened to get when I walked into the medical facility that day. More recently my PCP left the practice to work as a private physician for a college sports team and I had to get a new one. I don't think I've ever had the same doctor for more than a few years.

This is some seriously capricious stuff that this COP is pulling and I can't imagine it would hold up even in a MA court.....

I'm 50. I've never had a 10 year relationship with a doctor and, in fact I've rarely seen one. In this age of constantly changing health plans I doubt I could find anyone who's known their doctor, or any doctor, for ten years ... unless the doc is a blood relative. This cop is pulling your leg. Call him on it. With a claw hammer if necessary.
I'm 50. I've never had a 10 year relationship with a doctor and, in fact I've rarely seen one.
I'll be 50 in August. I've had a relationship with a doc that was much longer than 10 years.
In this age of constantly changing health plans I doubt I could find anyone who's known their doctor, or any doctor, for ten years ... unless the doc is a blood relative.
Dang, you covered that. And Dr. Dad passed away in 9/2008, may he rest in peace.
I'll be 50 in August. I've had a relationship with a doc that was much longer than 10 years.

Dang, you covered that. And Dr. Dad passed away in 9/2008, may he rest in peace.

Belated regrets on the loss of your best doctor. I don't think, outside of a family relationship, that I've ever known anyone with a long term doctor-patient relationship, except for some who have had cancer.
Belated regrets on the loss of your best doctor. I don't think, outside of a family relationship, that I've ever known anyone with a long term doctor-patient relationship, except for some who have had cancer.
Thanks for your thoughts. With any luck, the estate will finally be settled this month, mostly.

I think I've been going to my dentist and eye doc for longer than 10 years, but a GP? Not close.
Thanks for your thoughts. With any luck, the estate will finally be settled this month, mostly.

I think I've been going to my dentist and eye doc for longer than 10 years, but a GP? Not close.

I once has a 22 year long relationship with a barber. Then I moved. Will the cop take a letter from a barber?
I once has a 22 year long relationship with a barber. Then I moved. Will the cop take a letter from a barber?

Well, wasn't so long ago that barbers were also thought of as surgeons and used to "bleed'' their patients to cure illness. So, maybe you can use your barber as a medical reference. [shocked]
Just giving you guys an update on my situation. I spoke to cop today and he told me that I have to know my doc for 10 years or more. So basically telling me I can't jump doctors.

As flagrant a fabrication as the requirement of a letter to begin with.
At this point, if I was backed into a corner like this, and I couldn't get any help from my local officials, I would certify mail my application in to the CHSB with a letter telling them why the chief will not accept my application. Ask them to process the application on your behalf. Ask your local state rep to contact them and ask them to process it. If they send it back, drive it back in to them.
I'm guessing they will call the chief and ask him to cut out the BS if you are persistent. I'm guessing they will be pissed of at the chief and not you.

If you don't hire a lawyer, you have to start getting other people involved in this. There's nothing else to tell you.
Regardless of what city/town pulls this on applicants, it is past time to involve the mayor/selectmen/town manager as well as your state senator and state rep. The latter two with a reminder to support H 2559 and pointing out that the need is there to stop this sort of abuse. You have nothing to lose and will likely reverse this policy . . . without involving a lawyer on your end. A lawyer might result in a quicker result but may not change overall policy.

Wrt doctors: My current PCP has been known by us personally since we were in the Jaycees together some >30 years ago. He's been our PCP for >20 years. Before him, we used clinics until such time that a insurance policy change required that we have a specific doctor.
If the chief had a (unlawful but earnest) interest in seeing a note from your long time doctor then that would have been the requirement. Not: get a doctors note. Oh, not that doctor. Oh not that kind of doctor. Oh one you've known a long time. Those "requirements" would have been set upfront.

If the facts of the case are as presented, the chief is thumbing his nose at you and nothing you do will help. Try WayneWong's advice.

If something is being left out or misrepresented then this is really just a circle.
CHSB won't do anything if someone mails their app to them. Afraid that doing so leads to a deadend.
If the chief had a (unlawful but earnest) interest in seeing a note from your long time doctor then that would have been the requirement. Not: get a doctors note. Oh, not that doctor. Oh not that kind of doctor. Oh one you've known a long time. Those "requirements" would have been set upfront.

If the facts of the case are as presented, the chief is thumbing his nose at you and nothing you do will help. Try WayneWong's advice.

If something is being left out or misrepresented then this is really just a circle.

Agreed, its a circle to F*ck me. Just for the record, I am not leaving anything out, everything I wrote here is what is going on. The only thing that I have left out is the town name for obvious reasons. The Cop is playing a game with me. Anyways, I have contacted Goal and the NRA.
Although it is good to let GOAL and NRA know about this, they aren't in a position to do anything to change your situation in the short term (less than a number of years). You are going to have to carry this ball for yourself. You've been given some suggestions here that would probably work if you put your energy in that direction.

If Obamacare goes thru (and this week I read that major reductions in Medicare payments went into effect), very few of us will have the same doctors, as many will be retiring or heading off to another field that isn't paid by insurance/gov't (e.g. cosmetic surgery/procedures) and is a cash business.
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