Typical Libs

They're afraid they'll lose their base. If the youngin's put $$$ away for old age, they won't need the Libs to promiss them the sky.
I think and hope that we are now witnessing the end of the Democratic party as we know it.
I started working and paying SS at 14 , I am 41 now. The SSAdmin sends me a form letter every few years telling me what to expect. If I work until 65 I will be receiving 650 a month from them. They can keep it if they'll just let me OUT of this stupid game today.
I too started at at age 14, but I'm now 58. I'd be more than happy to make the same deal. And Jon is spot on about they're being terrified that people might realize that they can do a hell of a lot better job taking care of themselves and their families than the government ever could.

I've been out of the system since 1985 as an exempt public employee. Prior to that I got my "quarters". I get those statements too.
The libs are scared to death that the younger generation will smarten up and realize they have two legs to stand on. What they're still counting on are the unwed mothers who need a "daddy" and they're more than happy to feed them pablum (read BS) to keep them dependent and to keep their votes because GAWD FORBID they, and eveyone else who has their hand out with "special needs", begins to take care of themselves and stop whinning. Naw...hell WILL freeze over first before that happens.
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