The Most Surprising New Gun Owners Are U.S. Liberals

Doesn't she live in the Vice President's Residence, which would be guarded round the clock by SS agents? I mean, the REAL SS agents, not the clowns they have guarding President Trump.

It would sort of stand to reason you'd get shot breaking in there.
Why does she need protection? Anyone breaking in would be overcome by soy fumes, and collapse upon the first breath.
Those are not liberals, they're socialists and communists. They want to destroy capitalism. Even Marx favored gun ownership by individuals to defend a marxist government. in short the people in that picture love guns as much as you and I. They were already armed long long ago before that picture was taken. The people who want guns are plain old ordinary democrats and oddly enough most of them actually despise Kamala Harris.

And sadly because the gun world tends to cater to the right wing, left wing people who want guns have no options open to them. That to me is a tragedy because there is an opportunity to obtain a ruling super majority but as I've said time and time and time again:

democrats are evil
republicans are stupid

That's why republicans are on track for minority rule because they fundamentally don't get it.

This is also why I joined the liberal gun club, to bridge the gap between the curmudgeonly right and people who actually don't want to vote for politicians like Kamala Harris but don't have any options. ps: Trump sucks, fact of life deal with it. I wasn't afraid I would catch liberal cooties so I talk to people and listen to their concerns. I know this will be hard to believe or imagine but there actually are very smart people on the left who are very pro gun. I personally became friends with a liberal professor on X who loves guns and want to keep the second amendment secure for everyone. Sounds noble and the right thing to do? But I guarantee that if the joined this forum he would be banned in a couple of weeks.

Know your enemy: The democratic party made a deal with the devil a long time ago for countless millions in cheap easy campaign cash from one of the worst (former republican by the way) authoritarians on planet earth, Michael Bloomberg, and in turn Bloomberg managed to recruit his own army of what I aptly call Carry Nations (Carry would carry an axe around to drive into whiskey barrels during prohibition). In return the same people have been turned into a captive audience on mainstream media. That's why the wino moms are always available to show up for a gun signing bill.

People change their ways, even someone like me who many years ago would be aptly be described as an antigun person and look at me now, I have a safe full of guns and love to go shooting. Instead of welcoming people to the club, the right tends to isolate them and that is there mistake. They lack the ability to form a coalition of people to their cause. There aren't enough republican voters to secure 2A forever.

The crazy thing is, Kamala Harris is one of the dumbest people to ever run for office. I mean she's literally a dodo bird. Biden is a walking corpse and still Trump couldn't beat the corpse and he won't be able to beat a dummy. Why? Because there isn't enough people to rally to the cause.

I'm the other way. Are you LGBT, a minority person, or just someone odd and you want to own a gun? A lot of these people are deathly afraid of being treated unfairly at a gun shop or worse a gun rights organization. That's why I say the NRA suck donkey balls. They're just mouth breathers for the GOP instead of being a gun rights organization. Hell I would open a gun shop that catered to the left wing of the country and would welcome in thousand and thousands of customers who won't step foot in a gun shop with a Trump sticker in the window.

The problem is /EVERY/ lefty MA gun owner I know picks communism over RKBA, each and every time. I will simultaneously concede this involves some mass bias. When you go to purple states, or states that get kinda flippy, even center-left types tend to be pro gun. But in mass? Fat chance. The "eyeme an independent but usually vote democrap" sass types are closeted commies and will pick an anti over a pro gunner if it gives a W to the D's.
She’s didn’t go as far as “mofo’s be gettin’ they ass’ capped”. It wasn’t really Black English nor Black Thuglish - somewhere in between.

”Many Black Americans switch in and out of Black English in the same way, using it as a kind of seasoning.”
”Recently, Republicans have taken to accusing Kamala Harris of using fake accents while on the campaign trail. In this episode of “The Opinions,” John McWhorter, an Opinion writer and linguist, argues the vice president is simply revealing a piece of herself by slipping into “Black English,” a form of code switching that is actually quite presidential.”

A young Black fellow, a Sophomore at St Anselm’s majoring in Politics, was at WMUR for Kelly Ayotte’s Conversation with the Candidate last week, and we chatted a while before we went into the studio. He was raised in Dorchester but went to Phillp’s Academy in Andover, where he all but erased his Black Dorchester accent, except for a few of those “f”s instead of “th”s (wiff instead of with).

We had a young NH-native 1st year law student in our chat, who had just graduated from StA’s in Politics, and I asked if the Black kid if he was going to write the experience up for an assignment. He said no, that he was there “on his own” and didn’t want any academic advantage from the event. The other kid and I glanced at each other briefly, and he said he thought it would make a great paper. I said if he wasn’t going to take advantage of fair opportunities, maybe Politics might not be the right field for him. We all laughed, but knew we were dancing around the issue of how a young Black kid from Dorchester gets into Phillip’s Academy.

White people talking like black people?

Oh no you di'inh!
I was a democrat before I was a gun owner. Getting into firearms is what opened my eyes to constitutional conservative politics. Maybe this is a good thing in the long run.
Anything is better than Hellmann’s. Hellmann’s is the “I want mayo but don’t want to taste it” mayo.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s my go-to when I don’t have Canes.


Actually, the Market Basket generic is virtually identical to Cains. Check the ingredients.

Fortunately.. now the thread seems to be heading into a reasonable direction....
I grew up on Caines mayonnaise, so it’s what I like. Miracle whip is disgusting foot juice.
Helmands is what most sandwich shops use.
Or at least a similar type of mayo.
I use Helmans for dips because Caines is too overpowering. Not suitable for dips.

Cain's is disgusting. YMMV

I grew up on Hellman's but it's too vinegary. The BluePlate is creamier
and less vinegary. The Kraft (not kidding) is a very mellow mayo that
works really well when you want make a dressing or so.
The problem is /EVERY/ lefty MA gun owner I know picks communism over RKBA, each and every time. I will simultaneously concede this involves some mass bias. When you go to purple states, or states that get kinda flippy, even center-left types tend to be pro gun. But in mass? Fat chance. The "eyeme an independent but usually vote democrap" sass types are closeted commies and will pick an anti over a pro gunner if it gives a W to the D's.

I get it but when a new person comes along it's not like we're a welcoming bunch. "Honey I'm staying up late tonight I got some fresh meat to sass online".
Cain's is disgusting. YMMV

I grew up on Hellman's but it's too vinegary. The BluePlate is creamier
and less vinegary. The Kraft (not kidding) is a very mellow mayo that
works really well when you want make a dressing or so.
It all uses soybean oil. Nasty stuff.
Can we please stop calling leftist Democrats "liberals"?

They are not. They are authoritarians, and left/right don't matter when it comes to authoritarians versus individual rights.
Yuuuup. There is a country mile between contemporary liberals and classical liberals.
Couple of points:
  • The right we all have from G-d is the right of self-preservation. It is a fundamental right of any human being, regardless of their political leanings
  • 2nd Amendment did no give people the right to bear arms: this right already existed(see bullet above). 2nd amendment prohibited the government from limiting that right.
  • Liberals are not all commies. The Overton window has moved so far left, many liberals feel "homeless" and are feeling vulnerable.
  • Many women are very practical and pragmatic. The rioting during COVID summer of love has shown that police or will not protect them. Neither will their husbands with guns protect them while they're away at work. Neither will a husband at home with a gun while woman is walking to the car in the evening, on the way from work. Women are very realistic that way.
  • Women are tired of being victimized and are THOROGHLY disappointed with the "Me too" movement which has brought the problem to the forefront of our society but failed to affect any significant change. Women are still being victimized and they are tired of it! Thus the desire to equalize the power dynamic with the evil doers.
  • Post Jan 6, the liberals have been bombarded by the media propaganda with the images of MAGA Republicans wearing tactical gear near the Congress building. The media has ramped it up to the hysteria levels. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC have ALL ran many segments on how the conservatives have all these guns and if the Civil war erupts, liberals will have NO defense. Liberals are AFRAID of MAGA Republicans. Fear is a great motivator
The last point is very important: the liberals are afraid of conservatives and their anti-gun stance in many ways was a reaction to that fear. The good news is that they have realized that anti-gun attitude is not saving them so they are moving in the other direction: if you can't beat them, join them!

This is why I make a point to invite all my Democrat friends to go shooting. Many have signed up for classes and have gotten their LTC. Most agree that the new MA law is bad and have gone to sign the petition.

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