US Army's New Heavy M4 Barrel

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The only thing I hat about fluted barrels is, the machine marks and finish work in the fluting before final finish application is critical.

Not a big deal for an few extra hundred per issued M4.

The OP sounds like they are involved in something entertaining. Hope they post up the court case when it's out. We want to watch!
That right there is what got me questioning everything about this thread. If I only had 2 yrs to go I’d stand naked in a freezing mud puddle to get through it if I had to. Walk away after 18? They’d have to drag me out, and that’s possibly what happened here.
Especially for an officers rank retirement pay 😂
Did you mean "First to file" rather than "First to invent"?
Exactly what I was going to comment. Years ago it was first to invent so we would write all ideas in our bound books and every friday we would witness, sign and date each others work. Obama moved it to first to file under the American invents act back in 2011 so we moved to just filing obscene amounts of provisional patents.
What this reads like is OP concocted some sort of design but never filed IP on it and the army got on it first. Its been 10 years since first to invent was even a thing. I hope you are willing to go broke to prove a point. I've been involved in those lawsuits and they get expensive fast and you will go bankrupt before you get a resolution. My advice, walk away from it, grab a bourbon and a cigar and chock it up to a learning experience on what not to do when handling your IP. I'm sure this isn't the only page you posted this on and if your lawyers knew they would likely have you take it all down anyway.
There's lots of interesting stuff online about OP that you can find with a little googling. For starters, he's in Colorado and he invented this:

This is obv an NES smurf account. I was thinking snackbar at first, but looking at post history writing style doesn't match. I know I recognize this writing style, this trolling style. I can't quite put my finger on it......
There's lots of interesting stuff online about OP that you can find with a little googling. For starters, he's in Colorado and he invented this:

View attachment 467162

Seems like an interesting guy but I'm not getting the ragging on Rutherford County Republicans. Rutherford County overall might lean a bit right but if it hasn't already it will soon flip left. Murfreesboro, the biggest city and location of Barrett HQ, mostly leans left now. There are dirty politicians on both sides. Also might be a case here of extremely high intelligence but lack of ability to manage the day to day grind.
This is obv an NES smurf account. I was thinking snackbar at first, but looking at post history writing style doesn't match. I know I recognize this writing style, this trolling style. I can't quite put my finger on it......
Could be that, maybe copying similar legit posts from elsewhere?

Seems like an interesting guy but I'm not getting the ragging on Rutherford County Republicans. Rutherford County overall might lean a bit right but if it hasn't already it will soon flip left. Murfreesboro, the biggest city and location of Barrett HQ, mostly leans left now. There are dirty politicians on both sides. Also might be a case here of extremely high intelligence but lack of ability to manage the day to day grind.

Edit - just saw the other post from OP naming Ward Brien. I thought OP was Ward Brien - my bad. [smile]
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OP, if you have the money to fight those companies how bout giving us each a rifle with that barrel design and we will put it through some field testing[wink]
It's not just those companies. It's the corrupt Republican governments they have partnered with to facilitate intellectual property theft through taxpayer funded extortion. The forced unemployment for over eight years continues, I don't have enough money to buy toothpaste much less fight these wicked entities. My future depends on the FBI. America's future depends on the FBI.
It's not just those companies. It's the corrupt Republican governments they have partnered with to facilitate intellectual property theft through taxpayer funded extortion. The forced unemployment for over eight years continues, I don't have enough money to buy toothpaste much less fight these wicked entities. My future depends on the FBI. America's future depends on the FBI.
We're screwed then. The fbi is probably more corrupt than most of the government. I'm sure that the majority of the field people are ok but like any other organization, if you don't play by the higher ups rules then you aren't going anywhere.
Also, maybe I missed it but why did you abandon this proprietary information in a storage locker?
I assume OP doesn't have a patent, which would mean it was trade secret stuff sitting in the storage unit.
That is the whole goal of the Republican's AIA (America Invents Act) patent law. The 'first to file' is the owner. This weaponized legislation replaced the 'first to invent' patent law that helped make America's economy great. Now, all a patent thief has to do is locate the proprietary information, steal it, and ensure the inventor can't file before they do. This is where extortion by the Rutherford County, TN government came into play. To assist the patent thieves, the criminal government made sure it was virtually impossible to communicate with patent attorneys and even more important, render the inventor unable to pay for the attorney's services. What did the Republican officials get in return? Campaign contributions from the patent thieves that none of them want to talk to the FBI about. Ongoing FBI investigation in Tennessee...
OP didn't bother to explain the "reason" for the implied correspondence, or the bounds of that correspondence, so I think we're all wasting our time commenting on the ramblings of a crackpot.
"reason" - barrel harmonics. Unless the Army discloses more information, I'll have to leave it at that. So I think you should spend your time studying the book 'Understanding Firearm Ballistics' by Robert A. Rinker.
What's your name? When did you file the patent? do you have the filing #? One can easily search for file patents that have not been approved(or approved).
I'm a former U.S. Army Military Intelligence Officer who tried to launch a business in the firearms industry only to have it blocked by a team of patent thieves and their corrupt governments. So I became an FBI informant. Justice will return to Rutherford County! You'll know my name when the federal indictments roll out on these criminals in the national news. Should be sometime this summer, unless the investigation expands further into Tennessee's Republican government.
I am trying to understand this, was going to post last night but wanted to wait.

You invent this rifle that aparently is awesome.

You store the invention in a storage place.

Someone forces you to sell all the contents. For some weird reason you couldn't go retrieve it from them storage?

Then someone finds these files and decided to start copying all your inventions.

Then that someone also happens to get a contract with the government.

I have seen auctions of storage places, most of the people there can barely function, let along comb through USB, find stuff, manufacture it, claim it as their own and get a government contract.

And you had no other proof this was yours?
The USB wasn't encrypted?

And you finally decided to join a random gun group and make your first post a complaint about this?

I see a lot of holes in this story. I would love to believe it, but I am having a hard time.
I am trying to understand this, was going to post last night but wanted to wait.

You invent this rifle that aparently is awesome.

You store the invention in a storage place.

Someone forces you to sell all the contents. For some weird reason you couldn't go retrieve it from them storage?

Then someone finds these files and decided to start copying all your inventions.

Then that someone also happens to get a contract with the government.

I have seen auctions of storage places, most of the people there can barely function, let along comb through USB, find stuff, manufacture it, claim it as their own and get a government contract.

And you had no other proof this was yours?
The USB wasn't encrypted?

And you finally decided to join a random gun group and make your first post a complaint about this?

I see a lot of holes in this story. I would love to believe it, but I am having a hard time.
What's the #1 rule when it comes to a found USB drive? Isn't it Never use it?
Since the army holds the design and utility patent and as far as I can tell there isn't a patent on manufacturing process I don't know what your actual recourse is going to be. I wouldn't be shocked to see them licensing the design to existing suppliers to utilize.
USPTO: "Utility patents may be granted to anyone who invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, article of manufacture, or compositions of matters, or any new useful improvement thereof." Licensing to an outside company effectively puts another layer of protection between the patent thieves and any lawsuit brought by the inventor. Deliberately complicating the legal process works in favor for the established company when going up against the individual inventor. Their hope is that the legal process becomes too expensive and/or takes too much time and/or takes too much effort for the inventor to prosecute. Patent thieves want the inventor to give up so they can avoid litigation, incarceration, etc.
Barrel fins have been on military guns since at least the Hotchkiss machine gun line and the Hotchkiss was known for being pretty reliable. Fins or fluting don't impact much besides weight and cooling. Reality is that we don't see fluted barrels on military guns because of the cost; military-issue guns have been about 3MOA on average since the invention of smokeless powder, so why spend money on fluted barrels?
My original intent for this invention was to be utilized on sniper rifle barrels where even slight improvements in accuracy are worth the extra costs. I think the patent thieves simply wanted a way to get Picatinny Arsenal (US government) to conduct the R&D, eliminating that initial cost for them. And of course, when it comes time to pick a licensee, the behind the door dealing ensures the patent thieves get to profit from the stolen intellectual property. I've contacted Picatinny Arsenal about this criminal activity. There's no way for me to know the depth of their involvement, if they are involved at all. Intellectual property theft is a federal crime and is within the FBI's domain.
That is the whole goal of the Republican's AIA (America Invents Act) patent law.
Author and lead sponsor on the AIA was Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont, of the 112th Congress.

You might want to try checking his party affiliation and who controlled that chamber and stop living down to the stereotype of Army Intel.
What's the #1 rule when it comes to a found USB drive? Isn't it Never use it?
Well ... if you are smart, you can open it in a safe environment.

Still, you will be surprised how many people would plug it in.

But, how many of those would see this and think "OMG, I will manufacture it" and out of those, how many have contacts to sell it to the gov?
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