US forces intercept thousands of assault rifles, ammo, anti-tank missiles from Iran: Arsenal, Cache, Collection, or Medley

Just imagine the money made on All those magazines that will be needed lol 3,000 x 6 = 180,000 mags 🤣 not to mention the ammo to fill those mags = 5,400,000 rounds. I’m sure there a discount.
I call BS. So we can guard other borders and support other wars but cannot stop people on foot from entering Texas by the millions with thousands of pounds of Fentynal ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 This is just precursor for the war the Neocons like Graham Blumethall Biden want to get us into. First it’s send tanks, they are debating F16s now to Ukraine, then Israel will start a war it always runs away from, only to have the US get involved. And all the time this happens China will be laughing its ass off. So this raid, I doubt it it was real and more of a set up so Israel gets a pass, we fleece the taxpayers more to send over to them. Etc etc.
I bet they had to lay them out to inventory them before someone would sign for all that. On a clipboard with a list of serials that will never once be looked at by anyone, ever again.
78EAB318-7546-4480-A1A4-119E7A5A83E0.png If I knew nothing else about you, this comment proves you were in the military more definitively than any DD-214
Yup. Carbon forms... I bet arms room inventories are the last environment where carbon paper is used anymore.
Here’s your hand receipt.
Make sure you bring your checkbook and lawyer to the next change of command layout in a couple years.
Anyone not in the military ….you know what the penalty is for walking on the Sergeant Major’s grass? A 6 inch ruler, a weekend of extra duty and the expectation of this by the next morning out of a pile of weapons.
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