Skip the gummies, they've got more dyes than a hippies shirt.
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Skip the gummies, they've got more dyes than a hippies shirt.
Dark & bitter?I like my coffee like I like my women.
rich and full bodied!
I like my coffee like I like my women.
rich and full bodied!
I like my coffee like I like my women.
rich and full bodied!
I'll be in the same boat soon with glucosamine and chondroitin. Waiting for my delivery. I got some other goodies coming too.I started taking glucosamine chondroitin today. So far no improvement. But nothing helps my hips and back like a hike, so I took one of those too. A little turmeric with dinner for the damn foot that refuses to heal.
I have been eating a lot of peanuts and almonds the past month. As a snack as I'm trying to maintain my current weight.We're also chronically deficient in magnesium, which is necessary to metabolize vit. D (unless you eat a lot of nuts and beans). I take it transdermally too (i.e. in a spray bottle).
Otherwise, mushrooms of all edible kinds have great benefits.
There are two supplements for me over my lifetime that made a big difference. the latest being Balance 7 that Howie's been touting, i had pain everywhere now gone, i always had cramps and tight muscles. i always new lactic acid was my enemy, i feel great.Can anyone recommend a good joint pain suppliment? Anti—inflamitory maybe? Looking to add something to my regimen. I took fish oil for about 6 months and didn't notice anything.
Maybe a collagen suppliment?
nothing wrong with cream 100% heavy.Well black coffee after day 5 was indeed good. No more need for cream and sugar. Just an update....
Can anyone recommend a good joint pain suppliment? Anti—inflamitory maybe? Looking to add something to my regimen. I took fish oil for about 6 months and didn't notice anything.
Maybe a collagen suppliment?
I just found out about Tumeric / Curcumin last month, started taking it.
Unless it a huge placebo effect, this stuff is absolutely amazing. Works freakishly well.
Sciatica gone, no more groaning or slow to get up.
I strongly encourage everyone to research it and try it out for stiffness and joint pain.
My research indicates its the stuff behind the Fox News Relief Factor commercial we see every 2 minutes.
How is that Balance of a nature working for you? My wife is after me to try it.I also ordered Balance of Nature veggie and fruit supplements. Could be pure snake oil but I'm going to give it a try.
My daily intake now is vit c, vit d and zinc. That along with some healthy foods should help my immune system.
Decided to cut out cream and sugar in my morning coffee. Starts tomorrow... Let's see how that goes.
Hard to tell. I have been taking it for over a year now and I believe it is helping me out. I don't see any energy boost from it but my blood work is good. I also take other supplements.How is that Balance of a nature working for you? My wife is after me to try it.
The one thing that hurt me was Centrum when I used it. Way to much Iron in it and it shot my Iron levels way up. Switched to a different multivitamin with no iron and my levels came back down to normal.
How does one know their iron levels?
I gotta say, I can't say no to any of those. All that stuff is legit.
Do magnets stick to your skin?How does one know their iron levels?